Thursday, September 16, 2021

Halloween Pom-Pom Masks!

Well, peeps.

In about T-minus one hour, we will be buying our first round of pumpkins (woohoo!) and decorating the inside of our casa (double woohoo!).






And since it’s likely we will end our decorating shenanigans and launch straight into homework and cooking dinner and bedtimes and laundry, and blah, blah…I might not get around to posting pics today.

So, instead, please enjoy this delightful little mask project we completed on Monday :)

Hilarious tidbit: for only the second time ever in all of our crafting (first time was a Hobby Lobby project, I believe), we ended up with a mis-labeled project! Ha.

We thought we were making these…

But the goods on the inside were for creating these (another project I also happened to have on hand, so now I have duplicates, ha):

Luckily, we lurv a good project—accidents mislabeled or not, tehe.

Side note: won’t it be nice to SOMEDAY have an oven and microwave to fill this void in life and kitchen????? Seven months and counting…BOOOOOOOOO (and not the spooky kind of “boo”).

Even Mama got in on the fun…

And, naturally, we tried out our best scary faces:

Love, love, LOVE this Halloween-season of project time.

Long, live AUTUMN!! (But can we please get some cooler temps???).

Over and out. 

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