Sunday, September 26, 2021

Little Man’s 6th Birthday!

Oh. My. Heavens. PEEPS.

My boy.

My giant, not-at-all-a-baby, but-always-my-baby is SIX YEARS OLD today, and I cannot stand it one. Single. Bit. (Nor can I stand how handsome and adorable and perfectly/accidentally staged he is for this pic.)


On the one hand, I truly can’t believe six years have flown by in what feels like the blink of an eye.

But on the other hand, my boy is so whip-smart and hilariously-tall and verbose for his age that I often forget he’s not already six or seven, ha.

Regardless of his actual versus perceived age, it’s always a privilege and a joy to indulge my babies in a MAJOR way on their birthdays, per our household tradition.

We’ve truly created little demanding, ENTHUSIASTIC, excitable birthday monsters with all of our family traditions, but oh, the memories. They are priceless. Every birthday celebration in our household is a banner celebration, and today was nothing less.

In case it’s not obvious, Little Man’s requested theme was Mario/LEGO (the LEGO component mostly making an appearance through his presents, ha), and the hubby and I began the day in style. :)

Hilariously, the birthday boy threw me for a tiny loop last night when he requested an upstairs birthday celebration instead of our typical dining room hoopla.

Apparently, he got a kick out of Chicklet’s playroom birthday this year (that was necessary due to our winter storm disaster and home restoration), and who am I to deny a request from the birthday child?? ;)

So…the crazies got to have a family sleepover downstairs in the master bedroom last night while I toiled away inflating balloons upstairs, tehe.

And I actually think the end result worked even better as an upstairs party—and we had the added bonus of keeping the clutter and chaos up there! Woohoo!

His Mario LEGO trail led him to the party when everyone was awake and raring to go (I swear, it’s like Christmas morning for these bdays, but the sense of familial tradition and celebration is so precious).

I caught a lot of adorable action shots of his reactions—probably because his facial expressions are pretty on point at all times, so he’s an easy target. ;)

Again…have I mentioned the complete family joy for these birthdays??? Everybody is hyped up on the craziness. This smile…I LOVE.

What was truly so very lovely about this birthday was the massive amount of time spent together. Hours in the playroom as a family either building LEGOS or quietly doing different activities all the in sane vicinity, or playing Little Man’s new Mario Golf video game.

I mean, the combination of that quality time with the beautiful, diluted Fall light coming in through the playroom windows, and the quiet of the A/C working just a little less these days…UGH. It was wonderful.

And now I am completely WIPED after a really physically and emotionally challenging week.

I adore that all of our household birthdays fall within a six month period when we really live it up. But I’m also thrilled when we wrap up the final celebration before diving into the holidays, ‘cause Mama needs a party planning break! ;)

Happy Sunday and Little Man’s Birthday, peeps!

Over and out. 

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