Thursday, September 30, 2021

(Sweet) Spooks & Spiders!

Okay, peeps.

We had a reallllly sweet-filled Thursday, and it was just the push we needed to make it across the finish line of this week!

Thursdays are the only day of the week without a scheduled extra-curricular activity or commitment, and man oh man do we struggle to make it to the afternoon. 

And yeah, sure, we still have homework and other to-dos to make it through, but it’s definitely a day we try to tackle something fun, as well. Anything to beat the hum-drum monotony of all we have to get done during the school days.

So what better day to set up our favorite candy bar, in honor of the Honeydukes shop that all Harry lovers know and love??

I give you our version…HoneySPOOKS! :)

This candy situation all began when Chica enjoyed a Harry-themed bday last year. The candy setup was such a simple source of joy in our family that we repurposed it for various holidays, changing the name each time, tehe.

I set it up while they were at school and was going to keep it for a dinnertime surprise, but they were running around like silly nuggets when they got home and stumbled across it by accident. The shrieks of joy definitely made it worth the bit of effort. :)

Now…the reason I was trying to keep HoneySPOOKS a secret until dinnertime was on account of the project I planned for the afternoon. Something that also involved sugar. So I didn’t want to double up and send my crazy kiddos through the roof, ha.

I saw this easy and cute project in a Halloween magazine and earmarked it for the right day. So I snagged the necessary supplies while I was out grabbing our HoneySPOOKS haul, and…donut spiders were born!

Such a quick and easy, yummy activity. Donuts, pretzels, a bit of melted baking chocolate to dip the donuts in (so the sprinkles of your choice will stick), and then it’s just the personal flair you want to add!

The only slightly strange item to find is edible googly eyes (you could also make them out of icing in a pinch), but I found them easily at Tarjay (I’ve also ordered them on Amazon before for other projects).

Also. We’ve apparently been watching our Halloween baking show a lot because Chica created a quick prototype of her spider creation, just like some contestants do on various episodes before they begin to bake.

And Chicklet could be heard saying things like, “sissy, that’s a nice use of your chocolate,” or “excellent pretzel work,” just like the judges from the show. Tehe.

I lurv knowing that my crazies are sponging up something fun that stimulates their creativity. Much better than mindless television viewing.

No other commentary is needed for the pics. It was just simple, happy fun—and a lot of sampling the goods.

A happy Thursday afternoon, indeed.

Happy Almost Friday, peeps!

Over and out. 

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