Monday, October 4, 2021

Candy Corn (Dual Personality!) Doodle

Man, oh man, oh man, do I miss the daily doodles of our quarantine days! Lockdown and drawing tutorials will forever be inextricably linked in my mind, and I truly wish we had more time these days for one of our nostalgic faves.

That said…life is just BUSY. And we’re only able to fit a fun round of drawing in about once every few weeks.

And it’s rarer, still, that we manage to doodle on a day when all three kiddos are game and manage to complete their masterpiece from beginning to end, ha.

Case in point: today, Little Man’s perfectionist artiste side flared in a big way, and he was displeased with his doodle’s progress. So he refused to continue, ha. Creatives are so temperamental. ;)

But we still had a solid bit of quality time working through a fun, Halloween selection, and the dual personality of our choice was pretty fitting for our high/low Monday.

Bonus points to the hubby today for coming home at 5 pm to help on our busiest afternoon/evening. Every bit of backup helps. 

One day down, peeps.

Over and out. 

P.S. Because I can’t leave my boy out of this post: here his is, drawing on his own, as he can be found doing, more often than not. :)

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