Saturday, October 30, 2021

Halloween Eve—2021!

So…this is a visual that brings me the kind of joy that only comes from an energetic, full household on the brink of a holiday:

That’s grandmothers in the foreground, helping to assemble a project I was setting up for the kiddos; my babies working on some coloring at the kitchen table; and grandpa and the hubby way in the back on the couch, watching football.

That’s a lot o’ family happy right there. 

Adding the other two grandparents to our household mix today gave my kiddos loads of these smiles.

They’re so content to have all three of their grands whenever possible, and I love catching them mid-giggle, on laps, reading books, playing games, or relaying some story or recent event.

It was a pretty packed day for one spent mostly at home. But that always seems to be the case when it’s Halloween time for my crew.

Here are some of our odds and ends for the day…

I cooked and baked a LOT, the day raced by, and we capped it off with a neighborhood Halloween social with costumes and those kind of lovely, celebratory, social vibes we didn’t get to experience last year during the height of the pandemic.

I took loads of family pics in costumes—enough that I probably won’t even make the kiddos pose again tomorrow, ha—and I’ll share loads more mañana.

Happy Halloween Weekend, peeps!

Over and out. 

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