Thursday, November 4, 2021

The CHEER is ON!

So…I may or may not have attacked a random stranger in Tarjay who was snapping a selfie with her inaugural Starbucks holiday cup (with the Christmas tree decorations in the background, natch).

And I may or may not have fangirled over the arrival of The Cup with said random stranger, and snapped my own shot of it, tehe.

I mean…JOY.

And then…when the kiddos hopped in the car after school today, and Chicklet requested hot chocolate (since it was our first cold day of the season), I happily obliged. AND WE GOT ALL THREE HOLIDAY CUPS!

Right off the bat, Day 1, we snagged the amazing trio!

And the barista gave them to us on purpose, because I squealed so happily with the kiddos over the first cup. She said I was a good Mama and we needed all three, hehe.

SEE. Obnoxious over-enthusiasm PAYS!

I really do have such a soft spot for these cups—especially after the golden year we hunted down all the more-than-dozen cups they manufactured, and even turned them into a garland. 2016, good times. :)

In other holiday obnoxious news…my turkey face mask has been busted out. And I’d like you to please make note of my lovely crow’s feet, my awesomesauce leopard coat, and the face that I’m wearing it over sweats.

I rule.


Some bonus pics of the few days off-radar while the grandparents were here.

A botanical garden visit…

An art night fundraiser at school…

And lots of other things that never got pics. Ha.

SO glad tomorrow’s Friday, but it’s going to be a bit busy until Sunday.

SO lovely having the grandparent trio in town for Halloween, but I’m looking forward to a bit of regroup next week to turn over the casa from Halloween to HOLIDAY!

Happy Thursday, peeps!

Over and out. 

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