Thursday, December 9, 2021

Battery Running Low

So…the time stamp on this pic was around 2:42 a.m. last night (this morning?):

At just around 2:30 in the morning, our smoke detectors started going off in random spurts that weren’t indicating danger of any kind, but rather, some sort of system malfunction (after 45 minutes of reading through the manual).

We were able to trouble-shoot and reboot a few of them in order to get the periodic, blaring noise to stop. But at that point, each kiddo had awaken totally scared and we’d hauled them down to the master bedroom to watch something while we messed with the technical difficulties.


By the time all was said and done, we weren’t back to sleep until around 3:30 a.m. (and all packed into the master bedroom for a family sleepover to finish out the night), and then the alarm went off just a couple hours later—right in time for a massive muscle cramp in my right calf that had me forcing out a lot of four-letter words amidst my labored breathing, ha.

Needless to say…we did NOT feel great today.

And I'm sorry to report that this was just the latest in a string of a few nights of poor sleep for me, myself and I—following our really jam-packed precious week.


The net/net: I’m running on fumes and feeling quite haggard and my body is screaming that it’s time to recharge the battery a bit.

Not so much rest for the weary tomorrow, but I’m hoping this weekend we can keep it pretty low-key (though with some commitments on the schedule, that might not happen).

In the meantime…as soon as my exhausted kiddos were home from school today, I tossed them in the shower and we made a holiday movie with popcorn and candy our priority. And tackled the homework after a restorative bolognese dinner.

Think happy thoughts for some R&R—and no more middle-of-the-night interruptions!

‘Tis the season for SO much fun, and I want to be capable of enjoying it all!

Over and out. 

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