Thursday, December 2, 2021

Grinch Day

Well, peeps.

Another beloved—but occasionally stressful (to mark on the calendar and remember in sequential order) holiday milestone is upon us: themed school days!

I give you…Grinch Day. Woohoo!

Now. Let the record show that I was wise enough to order items for the girlies a couple weeks ago. But at the time, everything in Little Man’s size was already sold out—or far too expensive for a simple t-shirt!

So I took matters into my own hands, bought a $4 green t-shirt, busted out my home supply of felt last night, and made him one.

I’m not gonna lie: I’m wildly in love with how it turned out since I was sort of expecting a disaster.

I just pulled up a couple google images of a Grinch outline and did my best scissor work. And believe it or not, the whole thing barely took more than half an hour!

Better still…my very, ahem, particular Little Man gave it a big thumbs up when it was complete—woohoo!

So. Stinking. Adorable. 

For the record, I wanted to put “naughty” on the hat, but my boy is quite concerned with ending up on Santa’s bad list this year (which adorably cracks me up, whilst simultaneously piquing my curiosity about any hidden, mischievous behavior of his, ha), so he requested a “nice” label.

Now, just look at my adorable trio this morning at 6:59 a.m.!

Chica rocked a knit sweater that’s large enough to fit her for several years. And I’m thrilled to report that, even though she’s arrived at the stage where she was hesitant to wear it, enough kiddos at school participated, so she felt comfortable wearing it proudly, all day long. Victory! Let childhood live!

And my Chicklet—gah, I love this girl. Hers was a reversible sequins number that she could change to “naughty” or “nice.” And, man, did she have a cute time hamming up her options. :)

UGH. I just love these crazies.

And I also love these little theme days and know the days and years of this kind of participation are so numbered.

It’s precious, fun, peeps. SO precious.

We’re on MAJOR countdown mode for our kiddo party tomorrow night. I’ve been an insanely-busy little elf, but I’m really hoping it will all be worth it and that my kiddos will have the best time with their little friends.

So stay tuned for more on that mañana!

Happy Almost Friday, peeps!

Over and out. 

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