Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Mason Jar Snowmen!

Gahhhhh!!! Triple post alert!

I feel like this only happens, like, once a year!

I just have so many tidbits I’d like to type up for posterity’s sake, and the days are just going to stay busy with more tidbits piling up, so…let’s wrap up a third one for the day, so I won’t fall even further behind, m’kay??



If you’ve read the prior post, you know that our elf arrived today! Woohoo! 

And it was Ugly Sweater Day at school.

And Chica had her final holiday choir performance this evening.

And the homework was relatively manageable.

So things just felt extra festive and I thought a project was definitely called for.

I had this particular one at-the-ready for our Kiddo Flash Craft Challenge Party, but in the end, there was just no time. So I thought it would be the perfect thing to bust out for the kiddos today, and they gave it a happy thumbs up when we were finished, so…victory. :)

I give you…Mason Jar Snowmen!

I thought it would be a cute little idea to make snowmen out of play doh (we actually used modeling clay because it’s kind of hard to find a lot of white play doh, believe it or not).

And when thinking about transporting crafts that might be completed at the party, I thought it would be great to contain these guys in mason jars so they’d make it safely home. 

Plus, the jars allowed us to throw some fake snow and snowflakes in there at the end—and put glitter snowflake stickers on the outside. Double win.

And I just couldn’t resist the tiny little Santa hats I found, so our snowman were extra festive. :)

We used tiny colored play doh bits for the eyes and nose, brown pipe cleaners for the arms, and then a sharp pencil to poke a coal-looking smile.

Sequins were the final flair for “buttons” before we dropped the little guys—carefully—down in their jars and gave them each a “snowstorm.” Hehe.

It really was a simple enough project that still occupied a happy bit of time. And now the kiddos each have their cute jar in their rooms for the rest of the season.

If I’m brave enough to attempt another Kiddo Craft party next year (IF), we might try to tackle these like we planned.

Okay, peeps.

Finally signing off for the night.


Over and out. 

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