Sunday, December 26, 2021

Post-Christmas Reset

Oh. My. Heavens. Peeps.

As anyone out there in the parenting game knows: Christmas is only the beginning.

In fact, the chaotic insanity of the actual holiday is only a very small nugget of time compared to the days (sometimes weeks?) afterward that involve assembly, participation, supervision, organization, and on and on and on of the many gifts and projects that are new around the house.

It’s tedious, but also really solid family time.

Much needed family time after the jam-packed lead in to Christmas. No more in a minute or just a second or after I finish this or hold on for just a sec or I promise we can do it in a bit.


Today, after extended family departed to continue on for a few day of additional adventures, we spent some time regrouping inside, as a fivesome.

I actually had a few minutes to sit down and provide LEGO assistance to my boy…

And a rather decent chunk of time to get really messy, using Chicklet’s new pottery wheel…

And she and I even spent some really beautiful and rare quality time doing a Mama/daughter run to Target for a replacement toy (her main Santa gift isn’t functioning; apparently, it was jostled in the sleigh on the long night of delivery)…

And the absolute best part of my day was the hour or two (seriously) my three crazies spent huddled together in Chica’s room, having a a raging music party, giggling and dancing and getting their sillies on together, playing around with Chica’s Alexa device. 

Every time I popped in on them, their smiles absolutely lit up my life, and the songs they were listening to were more and more hysterical and outrageous.

Side note on the Alexa front: Chicklet received one for Christmas, so now we have three in the house and finally synced them up as an intercom system. And the amount of time our kiddos spent “calling” each other in various rooms was just too cute for words. I foresee it being a massive diversion for days to come. :)

It was sooooo fantastic to have them so happily entertained so I could clean and consolidate Christmas presents and tackle a million loads of laundry.

And even better to regroup for a really amazing family movie night that kept us all totally entertained. I highly recommend this one:

I’m so grateful for such a lovely and chaotic and FULL holiday season this year. Truly, from October through this very day, we have been pretty nonstop as a family, celebrating all the good stuff and living it up as best as we could—and hosting all our loved ones for Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and a bunch of friends for various bits in between.

And now I’m really looking forward to a concentrated few days in our cocoon before we have to emerge back in the real world. I want more reading together and LEGO building and project time and sitting on the couch watching movies.

It’s time to fill back up our energy cups before tackling a NEW YEAR.

Happy Boxing Day, peeps.

Over and out. 

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