Sunday, January 16, 2022

Book Worms & Jumping Beans

Well, peeps.

For a handful of reasons, we ended up streaming church this morning instead of being there in person, which meant a mostly pajama day for my babies (their favorite kind of day, by a landslide).

And man oh man did they live it up and enjoy the laziness and the projects and the video games and the…reading!

I seriously don’t think there’s more joyful sight than this:

All snuggled up with their noses in a bunch of books. It’s. HEAVEN.

Also heavenly: stalking the cookies in the oven…

And coloring a Valentine project while listening to the sermon…

And, lastly—to balance out all the lazy, we hauled ourselves out for a pre-dinner bike ride complete with some tree climbing…

And lastly, because the kiddos all requested jump ropes, and I’m totally game for them getting in that awesome cardio, but wanted to move the fun outside (since they’ve been jumping rope all over the house—oye), we had some family hopping. :)

Mama and Daddy got in on the fun, too, but our action shots were incredibly unflattering, so we’ll just leave those out, ha.

In the meantime, enjoy the mental image (action shots are hard) of all three kiddos jumping rope like three ducks in a row, all with some signature flair. 

Grateful for a low-key Sunday, and even happier about a Monday with no school.

Happy Weekend, peeps!

Over and out. 

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