Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Little Man’s 100th Day of Kindergarten!

Oh my goodness, peeps. It’s SO HARD to believe, since this boy of mine looks, talks, reads and computes like a teenager, but he just hit the major, adorable milestone of…

100 Days of Kindergarten! Woohoo!

And to celebrate the milestone, he was allowed to dress like an old man, tehe. The result was this adorable pic that I want to keep forever and ever because it’s just about the only shot I’ve taken in the last century where he has the smooshy-faced adorable look of a little boy. I die.

He was so pumped to wear his hat and glasses today, and climbed in the car at pickup unloading alllll of his goodies that marked the special day: a certificate, a special cookie treat, and this adorable cereal necklace he made with 100 pieces. :)

It’s simultaneously impossible to believe that he’s only been in elementary for 100 days—and that 100 days have already flown by!

I’m so keenly aware that we are smack dab in the middle of the golden school age years for our family. For only another precious year and a half, the kiddos will all three be in the same school—and then never again. Ever. 

The Mama joy I get out of picking them all up together, and breaking up their squabbles as they try to talk over one another to share the tidbits of their day is just so wonderful to me that it hurts. Even on the days that their bickering in that first 20 minutes post-school drives me insane in the membrane, I’m still grateful for my three ducks in a row.

I love my babies, and I’m grateful for this fun milestone—and for a happy and productive day.

More on our afternoon project in a post tomorrow. For now, this tired Mama is saying…


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