Friday, January 21, 2022

My Chicklet’s “Sick” Day

Well, peeps.

My girl was home “sick” today, but she was really just loading up on some TLC, as I think the worst of the germs have already cleared out.

And you know what? Considering it’s such precious time together, I’m not at all mad at having her as my buddy for some extra love and attention. :)

As mentioned yesterday, she took the initiative to write up a “sick day list” last night, in anticipation of her day, and I could not love it more:

Good sleep
Good breakfast
Laying down
Having fun!
iPad time 

She covered all the basics, and was soooo adorable, sleeping with her list right beside her, and carrying it down with her first thing in the morning. We made sure to cross things off throughout the day, and she was so joyful making her way through her list.

For the “having fun!” line item, she deemed a project just the thing we needed, and we happened to have the perfect thing on standby: the pot we made with her pottery wheel a couple weeks ago still needed a lovely coat of paint. 

Mama had the luxury of adding one important item to the list: reading time! We managed a solid 45 minutes of Harry reading. Still working toward that goal of finishing the first book by her bday at the end of March—woohoo!

Then back to the couch for more downtime. :)

My girl really lived up her best recuperation life today, and I’m so happy to report she had a TON of energy to run around with her siblings at dinnertime, ha. So here’s hoping tomorrow we can get out and about and soak in some crisp, fresh air.

Happy Weekend, peeps!

Over and out. 

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