Monday, March 28, 2022

9 3/4

So…anyone in the whole wide world who’s a Harry enthusiast knows the significance of Platform 9 3/4.

Incidentally, last week, it tickled me pink to realize Chica was almost EXACTLY 9 3/4 years old. :) I marked the date on the calendar—March 27th—so we could document the occasion.

After all, it only happens ONCE in a person’s life! 

It’s hard to believe our household Harry reading journey began nearly three years ago, on Chica’s birthday. I hoped and I prayed she would connect with the stories, and man oh man, has she!! And better still, her love is entirely her own, and not a by-product of parental enthusiasm.

For the past three years, more often than not, we’ve cracked these books open at bedtime. And goodness have we enjoyed the journey—slow-paced as it may be, at times.

I wholeheartedly believe it’s instilled a heightened love of of storytelling, reading, magic, and human decency. And I can’t think of better lessons to pass along to my babies.

Last week (around the same time as the 9 3/4 discovery), Chica and I realized we’re exactly halfway through Book 5. No small feat, considering it’s more than 800 pages!

I’d love to set an outlandish goal of finishing by the end of the summer, but I just don’t know if that’s possible.

By the end of the year, for sure

And holy moly will it be emotional to know we’re only two books from the end!

Meanwhile…on the Chicklet Harry front, we hit a MASSIVE milestone, just in time for her birthday: the completion of Book 1! WOOHOO!

Honestly, I’m far more proud of this occasion, considering the absolute mass chaos we trudged through during the first four or five months of our reading.

We were deep in the weeds of home restoration, and since the kiddos were temporarily living together in one bedroom, it was so hard to carve out alone time for Chicklet and I to snuggle up and read just the two of us.


And Chicklet was SO dang proud to complete Book 1 and unearth Book 2 from the closet. She’s ready to charge full steam ahead with the next installment of this adventure. :)

Meanwhile…the reward (beyond the actual reading of course, ha), of completing each book is watching the movie. And since Little Man himself is nearly halfway through Book 1, I gave a special permission to watch the first 30 minutes (the bits he’s already read) with his sissies.

It was INSANE when we got to a different scent of the movie and he’d mumble under his breath something like Chapter 5: Diagon Alley. And I KID YOU NOT, even though we read that weeks ago, he 100% recalled the exact chapter and title that corresponded with whatever scene we were watching. And I know this for a fact because I cross-checked him! Ha.

I seriously could not be happier to share this incredible series with my babies and to encourage their ongoing love of reading and storytelling. It’s the key to unimaginable adventures for an entire lifetime and it makes me want to burst with joy!

Long Live Reading!!

And stay tuned for more catch-up posts, perhaps later tonight!

Over and out. 

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