Monday, March 7, 2022

San Antonio Staycation 2022–Go Carts & Games

Okay, peeps.

We gave the kiddos another dose of fun today—complete with arcade games, mini bowling (smaller ball and pins), and…go carts!

Yup. She’s super adorable all geared up. ;)


Despite all the fun, it has to be said that this continues to be the Spring Break that just doesn’t want to cooperate or make anything easy. And this was not our plan for today, ha.

Our original plan was Sea World. Complete with a dolphin experience. And the weather forecast was pretty decent for all of that.

And then the cold front blew in early, bringing massive gusts of wind and frigid temps, and we tried really hard to gear up physically and mentally, and went as far as to show up on site with every intention of staying. But…this is was we looked like:

We were unequivocally not projecting Sea World vibes, and for the chunk o’ change you plunk down for this sort of thing, we knew we had to make the call to reschedule.

And so we did.


When you lump the Sea World rescheduling on top of an outing we cancelled last night due to our kiddos’ poor behavior (yup, I’m outing them on this here blog, but I gotta keep it real so you know it’s not all sunshine and rainbows and character awards in our household), well…again: it’s just sort of the Spring Break that won’t cooperate. :(

Oh, well. You win some days, and everything is easy breezy, and some days, it’s all a bit harder. 

In the meantime, we bumped our planned Go Cart outing up a day and really enjoyed all the diversions this particular entertainment venue had to offer. It was our first visit since living here, and it’s definitely a good time for a special occasion. 

Not much commentary needed here, peeps. Just scroll through an enjoy. :)

The younger two were much better suited for the smallest carts and race track. Chica was capable of the Junior race on a much bigger track with a more official cart, but was nervous enough that Mama and Daddy geared up to race with her. :)

And then came all the games…

And poor Grandpa was an absolute champ, carting all our gear while the kiddos hopped from location to location:

The kiddos want a pajama day tomorrow, and I’m not gonna lie: it sounds pretty nice.

It’s going to get even colder and rainier before warming up a tad come Wednesday, so here’s hoping for more “Spring” in our Spring Break as the week progresses!

Happy Monday, peeps.

Over and out. 

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