Thursday, March 10, 2022

San Antonio Staycation 2022–Sea World/Dolphin Encounter!

Oh my heavens, peeps. What a DIFFERENCE a few days can make—weather-wise, of course.

Remember our failed Sea World attempt on Monday??? All bundled up and frigid in gusty conditions?

Welp. This was our sunny, enthusiastic mood today:

Mission. Accomplished.

Love my girl and her long, flowing hair (so much, I’ll give you three shots of varying closeness)…

Hello, Sea Lion show…

Yay, for some kid-appropriate rides (and smiles)…

Now. It has to be said that our major incentive to go to Sea World during this Staycation was to give the kiddos a unique animal encounter experience—specifically, with dolphins!

And though (much like our elephant encounter that kicked off Spring Break), the experience wasn’t cheap, it was definitely the highlight of this visit, and a rare opportunity I hope the kiddos won’t forget. They are 100% within the prime age window for this sort of thing, and it was definitely the tidbit they were looking forward to the very most. :)

They had so much fun with Yo-Yo (a female), and Bradley (a male), the two dolphins involved in the interaction. :)

For sure, an absolute delight for my crazies to experience this unique event. And I lurved their feedback that the dolphins felt like “a rubber ball or a gummy bear.” Tehe. From the mouths of babes.

Of course, there was still lots of ground still to cover, post-dolphins…

And jaws to unhinge, whilst eating a ginormous treat…

Photo opps galore…

And the classic Orca show that makes such a splash (absolute pun intended)…

We saved one family water ride for the very end of the day, assuming we’d get a bit wet. And, man oh man did the parents take the brunt of the water-logging—along with poor Chicklet!

But that smile…I DIE. It lights up my life, every dang time.

Can’t help myself, peeps. I adore all these candid close-ups of my babies…

Quick change with the handful of dry items I had for the kiddos…

And then the world’s most gigantic souvenirs…

We arrived about 20 minutes after the park opened and left about 20 minutes before it closed. A major accomplishment for us, as we’ve NEVER made it about eight hours at a theme park. Ever. Just goes to show my babies are aging a bit—and the weather was so lovely we were able to keep trucking along.

But it was still kind of glorious to see that my boy fell asleep in the car on the way home—on top of his Orca, no less. It’s soooooo easy to forget my baby is only six years old. What a sweet reminder that he’s still my adorable, pooped-out youngest. :)

Greeting some old friends from DFW tomorrow, and then this Mama is literally going to become the laziest person on the planet to close out this Spring “Break.” I’m one tired lady!

Happy Almost Friday, peeps!

Over and out. 

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