Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Magical Harry Milestones

Okay, peeps.

I’ve said it once, but I’ll say it again—and then another twenty-seven thousand times, to be sure:


And I especially love reading the Harry books with my babies.

It’s truly a gift on par with any magic within the pages. :)

Of course, Chicklet marked the milestone of finishing the first book just before her bday. Then she spent the last 10 days watching the movie (about 15 minutes each night before bed), and finished last night. So…tonight, we began the second book! Woohoo!!!

She was SO pumped to begin, and I’m sooooo grateful that the movie-viewing served to fan the flames of her love and interest in the series, as I knew it would, considering what a visual learner she is. :)

So, yay, for new beginnings! And I when I told her we’d be done with it by her ninth birthday, she told me we’d finished way before that. ;) Gotta love goals!

And on the Chica-Harry front…we’re more than halfway through the massive fifth book, and tonight, we read an epically teenage type of moment for Harry (ahem…Cho. I know you Harry lovers will know what I’m talking about), and it was just so insanely glorious to read through together.

To witness her giddiness and joy and embarrassment, and desperation to keep reading…it’s all absolutely PRICELESS. Too bad the scene just after served as a reminder of how dark things can turn on a dime and how happy I am that we read these together!

And, lastly…Little Man. The dude is just voracious to try and keep up with his sissies. We’re nearly 2/3 of the way through the first book already, and he’s DYING to barrel onward so he can know things—and watch the entire first movie.

I predict a Very Harry Summer for us as our main reading goal. And I am SO here for it.

Happy Tuesday, peeps!

Over and out. 

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