Thursday, April 28, 2022

Settled-In Style

Okay, peeps.

As a woman of 40 (my hubby’s favorite phrase to use on me), there are a lot o’ things I don’t love when I look in the mirror.


There are a lot o’ things I I do love, as well.

Namely, the fact that I know what I like, and I know what makes me feel like ME.

One thing: obnoxious eyewear.

Apparently, I am physically incapable of doing subtle glasses, ha.

Exhibit A: My new pair.

First eye exam and new pair in three years. :)

I’m trying to wrap up all these things that will be harder to tackle once the kiddos are home for the summer.

Now…I don’t love how much my prescription changed (darn aging).

But I do love the fact that, at my age, I know how much crazy eyewear sparks my joy. And I went with some that would make me happy every, dang time.

Second thing I love that makes me feel like ME: kinda crazy hair.

So…I’ve posted on this here blog about my funny hair evolution over the last couple of years. Namely the fact that once the pandemic hit and I was cutting my hair myself (and not allowing a stylist to razor or texture my mane), I start to get a whole lotta curl that has tickled me endlessly.

I’ve always had a bit of natural wave, and I’ve purposefully styled my hair wavy/curly for years, but I’ve never had the amount of body that I do these days. And more often than not (like, 9 days out of 10 lately), I shower, let it air dry, and literally walk out the door.

Wild hair, don’t care!

But today, I went for my first haircut in eight months (and only my second professional hair cut in two years), and just look how strange and straight my hair ended up. :( I was trying to smile but I just didn’t wanna!

Some people might look at that and be like: oooooh, it’s so straight and sleek! Nope, nope and NOPE. It felt thin and boring and just soooo NOT RIGHT for me that I was a grumpy bugger (just ask my hubby who had to suffer through a lunch with me), until I could make it home and shower for the evening, let it dry, get wavy, and feel like ME again. 

Crazy hair, be wild and free!

By evening, just look how much curl was back. It’s hysterical.

So basically, my random unimportant point here is this: aging ain’t always great. But the one upside is knowing yourself waaaay better.

Untamed hair and nutty glasses = joyful normal for me. So keep ‘em coming!

Oh, and these electric blue bad boys that have been my glasses for the past three years have been so golden that I also had the lenses replaced so I could keep them. When they work, they get to hang around!

Happy Almost Friday, peeps!

We’ve got some EVENTS coming up tomorrow, so stayed tuned for reports on the fun!

Over and out. 

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