Friday, April 29, 2022

Watch Dog Volunteer Day!

Oh my goodness, peeps.

Today was such a special day for the kiddos because the hubby got to be up at school with them. All. Day. Long. :)

Our elementary has a fantastic “Watch Dog” program for the dads, and the sole purpose is to get men involved and present up at school, if possible.

Heaven knows that any school, anywhere couldn’t function without women volunteers, but for better or worse, that’s just sort of a societal expectation. On the other hand, having a dad in the building is An Occasion, and there’s just something extra-special about it.

During pandemic times, many of the traditional volunteer opportunities—including this one—were on hold, so we knew this year we really wanted to make it work. And, man, was the hype real within our household.

Here’s my crazy crew this morning giving a coyote howl before they hopped in the car, hehe.

And here they are with their worried faces, wondering just how much Daddy was going to embarrass them throughout the day, tehe.

They had lengthy and hysterical negotiations all week long, ranking acceptable silliness and embarrassment on a scale of 1 to 10. And you better bet that the hubby was milking the kiddos’ anxiety for all it was worth, ha. He lives for these kinds of opportunities.

From a technical standpoint, the day basically involves the dad running ragged from activity to activity, ha. They start with the treat of getting to present the morning announcements over the loud speaker with the kiddos introducing their dad to the whole school. And then it’s just go-go-go.

With three kiddos on site, the lovely staff printed off grade-level schedules and had him hustling from P.E. to music to the library to reading in a homeroom, to another music class (different kid), to recess, to lunch, to another P.E. (different kid), and on and on and on.

I saw him twice throughout the day. Once, only an hour into his day, when I was up at the school for a volunteer thank-you breakfast, and again at lunch to bring him food. And both times, he looked happy and shell-shocked. Exactly as he should, ha.

As luck would have it, all the pictures I was so kindly texted from teachers involved Chicklet. So she’s the only one I caught with him in action. But I heard plenty of fun feedback from all who came in contact with him, and I know it was a really lively day overall.

With less than half an hour to go in his day, he texted me a picture of his hand wounds, sustained on the playground when he was chasing kiddos and his “brain said I was 18, but my body said I was 41.” Haha.

When he finally made it home and changed into comfier pants, there was a decent bit of dirt and mulch that ended up on the floor of the bathroom, so he was definitely my fourth kiddo today, ha.

And after a quick conference call, when he finally had the chance to sit down, he was asleep sitting upright within minutes. :)

I’m so, so grateful for such a playful hubby who is willing to dive right in for a grueling day of showing up for our babies.

As part of this Watch Dog program, the daddies get to take a picture with the kiddos and it gets put up on the wall in a section of one hallway, where it stays all year.

In an entire school year, there have only been 12 gentlemen—the hubby being lucky 13–who have been able to make this happen.

13 dads, out of a school with about 500 or so kiddos. 

It’s a stark reminder of just how much the Mamas tackle on behalf of the children, as there were at least that many mothers (myself included), up at school, today alone. And for some events throughout the year, it takes a legitimate VILLAGE of dedicated ladies to make things happen.

But instead of focusing on the men versus women of things or the differences in the duties and experiences of each, I just say a mental thanks for ANY parent in ANY role at school.

And I thank my lucky stars that my three crazy kiddos had the joy of their AMAZING, silly, playful daddy at school today for some memory-making, no doubt .

I know someone who’s going to sleep well tonight ;)


More maƱana about another major event that happened at our casa tonight. It’s a busy weekend around these parts!

Over and out. 

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