Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Chica’s Arm In Progress

Well, peeps.

Although this here blog is absolutely not a place of current events or influencer content, or really much of anything beyond my own family bubble, as a mother and a human I can’t move along and post any of our little happenings without first acknowledging the unbearably tragic news of yesterday.

This event was so close to home—both geographically, and in relation to the ages of my own children—that I’ve found my mind wandering toward news coverage quite often today. If you’re a person of faith, send prayers to those who are suffering. And if you’re a parent, hug your babies extra tonight.

There’s really no subtle way to transition after that, but I’m going to try—just as I’ve tried to redirect my thoughts and attention toward as many positive endeavors as I can today.

And nothing is more positive than some thumbs-up news regarding Chica’s arm recovery. :)

After a necessary reschedule of Chica’s ortho follow-up (thanks to Little Man and some pink eye last Friday), we finally went in yesterday for a looksies at some updated x-rays, and it’s all good news.

The swelling is finally down (thank heavens; it was significant), the bruising is still present, but abating, and her re-set bone has remained in place.

So…they removed her spacers (that were in place to allow for the expected swelling), tightened up the cast, wrapped it in some additional layers, and added…gold glitter! Woohoo. :)

And then our girl got to have a special lunch with Mama and Daddy before I took her back to school.

If all goes according to plan, she’ll have another three weeks in this cast, and then she’ll likely be out of one altogether—or at the very least, switched to a smaller, waterproof version.

It’s hard to believe how quickly a little body can heal following such a yucky injury—especially considering the significant swelling and bruising Chica powered through over the past 12 days. I don’t think I officially shared any of these pics, but, man, was her hand going through it. :(

For awhile, we were calling it her Zombie Arm (she said it first so I didn’t have to, ha). It was just soooo colorful and crazy in its healing.

By now (pic below is from yesterday), the bruising is minimal on her fingers and palms—thank goodness—but she’s still occasionally tender. (Also, please note her always-gorgeous fingernails. The girl can grown ‘em.)

I continue to be so stinking proud of how well she’s handled all of this whoopla. She’s been one tough cookie, for sure. 

So tough, in fact, that she and I had a little whoopsies moment during her appointment when the doctor reminded us of no P.E. or strenuous physical exercise. Nobody gave us those instructions in the hospital when the accident happened, so Chica’s been playing as hard as normal all along, ha.

Oh, well.

All is healing, so I think that ship has sort of sailed. Just no more falls, please!

But speaking of sailing ships…let’s finally talk about some of the arm repercussions.

Really, one MAJOR repercussion…

No Hawaii to kick off summer.


Remember when I posted this adorable round of photos a couple weeks ago with the fun news of our big trip???


Luck was not on our side.

Since Chica’s bone had to be manually put back in place, they had to use a particular type of moldable cast that could conform to her injury and keep everything stable and where it needed it to be. And therefore, it could not be a waterproof cast. Oye.

It took me many hours into her hospital adventure on the evening of the accident to finally get to the point of thinking about the major beach vacation on our (imminent) calendar.

I wish I could say I just breezed through the news like, oh well, but the hubby and I were quite down about the situation. We just couldn’t see any way to proceed when ALL of our planned activities in Hawaii centered around…no brainer: WATER. 

We took a tough 24 hours to think through all the possibilities, and I stared at the kiddos clothes and bathing suites and gear—even fresh, new travel toothbrushes!—already packed and set aside…and we let ourselves be a little blue.

And then we strapped on our big boy and big girl panties and got to work, canceling it all (thank heavens for the wisdom of trip insurance this go-round), and finagled a way of making the trip happen at the end of the summer instead.

Not as we planned, but…life, amiright??

The most important thing, of course, is Chica’s full recovery and a happy, healthy crew when Hawaii can finally happen.

So…no Hawaii to kick off the summer in two days (and that still stings quite a bit), but we’re eyeing a couple of last-minute options to pivot and have a little family adventure anyway. So…stay tuned on that front.

In the meantime, we’re powering through the FINAL day and a half of the school year. Crazy!!

More mañana, peeps! Including (hopefully, at some point) a hear in review post. :)

Over and out. 

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