Saturday, May 28, 2022

First Lost Tooth, First Day of Summer!

Oh my goodness, peeps.

Sun’s out, guns out, with my boy and his tank top! Ha. And apparently, his teeth wanna let loose, too. ‘Cause the first one finally busted free today! Woohoo!

I seriously can’t with this boy today.

I just can’t.

He was so extra. M

And such a charming but ornery little dude.

It was both a riot and growl-inducing, ha.

We tend to play things as gender neutral as possible in our household and not buy in to stereotypes, but every now and then, we have a day when I tell the hubby that Little Man’s “boy is showing,” and today was definitely one of those days, ha.

He was just all pester and mischief, all the time.

Mainly on the tooth front.

We’ve been watching that middle upper tooth for ages, and by last night, we were actively trying to yank it, but it wasn’t quite ready.

Then by mid-morning today, he was showing off how it was hanging by a thread and seriously giving Chicklet the willies by wiggling it so much and showing the bloody gum beneath. And the more she squealed, the more he did it—in her general direction. Little stinker.

It was sooo close, I knew it would pop out with his next meal, and sure enough, a few bites in to lunch, it was out. Victory!

I gotta say, this one HURTS me.

I’ve known for awhile that this milestone was going to be rough, since it’s the last of my babies to have a gap-toothed grin.

But even more amplified for a couple of reasons. 

First, it’s pretty unusual to lose one of the top teeth first. The bottom middle usually come in first as babies and are usually first out. So having one of the top ones as the inaugural tooth is major.

And, second, both girlies lost their first teeth (bottom, middle) within days of turning five years old, and here we are, with Little Man only four months from his seventh birthday (how is that possible??) and we’re finally hitting this fun milestone.

It just HURTS.

Booooo to that whole passing of time thing.

He still occasionally looks like my smooshy-faced little boy (like in this pic below, thank goodness), but too often, he’s all grown up and a giant of a kid.

That other top tooth shouldn’t be far behind. And in the meantime, we’re in that hilarious phase where it kind of shifts over and occupies the middle space. I just love kiddos and their stinking hot mess, adorable smiles during this transition.


He played with the empty space all day, and was so intrigued by peeking at the emerging tooth beneath and trying to capture pics, tehe.

Love this boy and his silly mischief.

In all today, it was a pretty solid day with projects and doodles (pics of both mañana), movie time and outdoor play, and that’s really all you can ask for during a summer day, yes?

Not gonna lie, though: a second weekend in a row with the hubby out of commission (last weekend he was out of town) and Mama flying solo has made me extra tired. I’ll be glad when our crew can get back to our type of normal.

In the meantime…Happy Saturday, peeps.

Over and out. 

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