Sunday, May 8, 2022

Mother’s Day—2022!

Woohoo, for Mother’s Day!!

Also known as the day when you can force your spawn to do anything you ask—including, but not limited to, posing for a gazillion pictures (as if I don’t do this every day, ha).

In recent years, our very favorite things to do for Mother’s Day is to indulge in a really fun buffet at a local golf course or resort. Something about having alllll those food options at your fingertips just sparks a different kind of joy than simply dining out.

And when the whole family is full o’ joy and full o’ food, everyone is more cooperative. For those forced pics. ;)

This was our first time out at this particular resort, and it’s so lovely and geographically elevated that you easily feel worlds away.

I have to admit, there are actually a few resorts in town that transport you in this way, which is quite fortunate. Indulgence at your fingertips. :)

Side note: it’s a good thing we were taking these pics at 9:30 am, since we’ve been hovering at TRIPLE DIGIT temperatures all weekend. I’m. Not. Ready.

We couldn’t get everyone simultaneously smiling for this location below, but it was too pretty not to include, ha.

Hilarious bug-swatting Chica action below…

And on that note, I’m sorry to report my mosquito season has officially launched. On Friday, I suffered my first handful of bites—at freaking 7:45 am. Boooooo.

Another boooooo for destroying our first scorpion of the season on Saturday. Yikes. At least it was on the patio wall and not inside…yet (full body shiver).

I definitely think we’ll book a one-night staycation at this resort sometime in our future. Perhaps something fun for the summer.

These are the faces the kiddos made when they discovered we were eating buffet-style and they could sample ALL the desserts before them, ha.

Sorry, dude…you ate it all. ;)

I’m so grateful for a happy family day, and for the gift of mothering my crazies I love SO STINKING MUCH.

To anyone out there having a high or low day, for oodles of reasons, I hope you were able to get or give and extra boost of love today.

Happy Mother’s Day, peeps! (2022 Edition)

Over and out. 

P.S. For kicks and giggles, here are some past year’s posts:

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