Tuesday, May 3, 2022

The Return of Doodles!

Man, oh man, oh man, was it nice to have ZERO extra-curriculars today. 

We came home.

We did homework.

We spent quality time together.


And all felt right in our world. :)

It’s so hard to make time for this beloved outlet of ours during the school year, so it’s extra-joyful to see the return of it, now that things are winding down and the end of the school year is in sight. 

It was Little Man’s pick today. Can you tell??

I’m soooo tickled that he still loves this creative time in a major way. Especially considering the fact that he was my doodle buddy every single day that he wasn’t in preschool last year. But don’t let Chica hear you say that Little Man loves doodling more than her, or she’ll fight for the co-honor of that title. 

Chicklet, on the other hand, only graces us with her beautiful doodling these days when she’s feeling benevolent, ha (like last week when she drew the most adorable hula girl along with us).

But she always stays with us while we work, and today she spent an entire hour with her nose in a book (and her eyes sneaking occasional peeks at the tutorial on the screen, tehe).

I mean, is there anything better than my babies assembled for an afternoon of drawing and reading??? Absolutely NOT.

Also—can you tell it was a Disney-themed day at school today??? She could not be more precious. 

Thanks to a giant blanket fort currently occupying the playroom, it was extra-special to doodle downstairs today. After all, this is where it all began, more than two years ago, during the early-early days of pandemic lockdown. God Bless Mo, for lighting this fire for us. :)

I’m in one of those to everything there is a season moods lately. Just trying to appreciate the turnover of activities and responsibilities that’s underway.

I love the school year for all that it provides.

But I love summer, too.

And I’m really excited for the change in schedules that’s slowly but surely happening.

So, yay, for the return of doodles!

And here’s hoping there will be many more in our near future. 

Happy Tuesday, peeps!

Over and out.

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