Saturday, June 25, 2022

Dallas Summer Fun 2022–Friends & Swimming!

Hellooooo, from back home in San Antonio. :)

What a whirlwind, HOT, fun and furious round in Dallas. I feel like we jam-packed SO much into just a short amount of time, and had Nanna along for all of the happenings. :)

When last I posted, we’d managed the drive up, and an afternoon/evening at Great Wolfe Lodge, which was fantastic for the kiddos.

Then the next day, shopping and visits with aunts were our priorities—woohoo!

The kiddos were absolute rockstars during the day, entertaining themselves at times on their iPads, and often, with books they read for HOURS (Amen, Hallelujah), which made it so enjoyable for us to shop.

Nanna and I managed our stores first, so by the time the kiddos were losing steam, it was time for them to get a snack and drink, and shop for shoes and clothes themselves—then they each got to pick out a vacay/good behavior toy at Tarjay. Cause, yes, I’m a sucker, ha. And they really were behaving SO well.

Then yesterday, the focus was all on Chica’s little friend she still keeps in touch with from McKinney—and her friend’s mother, who I love catching up with. A win/win for all of us. 

They met us for breakfast and a visit to the old popcorn/candy store we used to love. Then we went swimming at midday (at this awesomesauce water facility we used to belong to when we lived there), and then capped it off with a dine-in movie together for dinner.

It was such a joy to be able to give the kiddos so much of all the things they love: time with a friend, swimming, a movie and food.

I even had this moment of gratitude as I was going down one of the giant slides at the water park (the things a Mama does for her kiddos!) when the sky was blue, the water was refreshing, the sun was hot and bright, and I thought: this is ALL that summer should be.

With a month under our belt, I hope the kiddos are racking up some amazing memories so far this summer. We certainly haven’t let any grass grow underfoot, ha.

Ugh. The cutest coincidence ever: we arrived at the water park to realize Chica and her little friend were wearing the exact same bathing suit. What are the odds??? PRECIOUS.

I have sooooo many memories from this water facility. We were members for two summers before we moved and we got so much use out of it all. 

But things were so different then! It was all floaties and swim diapers and changing fiascos in the tiny bathrooms, and the stress of not letting any of my tiny kiddos out of sight for even a second. Those were the true days of my head on a swivel and a low-level constant anxiety throughout our water fun, ha.

So what a joy it was to return when they are all stronger, more independent swimmers! I’m still not comfortable letting Little Man or Chicklet loose, yet, so I was the tagalong during all the slides and fun, but it was WONDERFUL to be able to enjoy it more with much less anxiety and see how they’ve become older and stronger.

Yup. We rode allll those slides a gazillion times, ha. So amazing that my babies are all tall enough now. Major victory!

And who can forget the snow cone cart on the way out of the property?? The best incentive EVER to extract the kiddos out of the water, tehe.

And ice is always a good thing with these kind of temps!

So grateful to have made it to Dallas and back (and Tulsa and back, for Nanna) safely. And we made fantastic time in the car on our return today.

Alas…no rest for the (very) weary, unfortunately, ha. Chica’s bday is Monday (woohoo!) so our celebration is tomorrow. The hubby and I spent all evening setting things up and we are ready to PARTY.

So…more mañana!

Over and out, peeps.

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