Thursday, June 16, 2022

SWIM. TIME. Summer 2022 Edition

Holy, moly, MOLY, was it a milestone day.

First, because I finally got to hug my babies today, after making it through my official quarantine. Woohoo!

Second, because I felt like a human again, after nearly a full week of being down an out.

And third, because we finally got to have FAMILY SWIM TIME!!!

All thanks to this amazeballs cast, that might look identical to Chica’s precious one, but is new and WATERPROOF!! (Insert happy tears.)

I mean…AMEN, HALLELUIAH, it is soooooo hot this summer, and we’ve been counting down the days!

This is Chica after VBS today, checking the water temp…

And expressing pleasant surprise over how, dang warm it was. :)

Obviously, Chica’s cast has thrown us for some loops this summer, but she’s handled it like a champ, and I’m so grateful she can finish out her final few weeks with the waterproof version.

I’m also really happy we held out on opening our pool season at home until we could AL JOIN IN. It really felt like a celebration today. :)

I even managed to refresh the backyard a little bit this morning as my way to get some fresh air.

I planted some color in all our pots and trimmed a bit of the shrubs—and left the rest alone because it’s all given up in this heat and is looking sad and beaten down, ha.

I’ve never seen grass this brown this early in summer—at least in the years we’ve been here. But, hey, as a bonus, not even weeds are growing, ha.

This is “Stripey,” our giant float for the season. ;) It got put to good use today, ha.

Love these crazy kiddos. Hope they can always manage to squeeze on an obnoxious float—even as grown adults, ha.

And, yay, for Daddy—the REAL champ of the week (appropriate for Father’s Day Week, yes??) for keeping the household running while I was down and out. 

Seriously, peeps.

It was a GOOD day.

I mean: VBS, swimming, and even a doodle??? Golden.

The kiddos are excited to spend one final day at church tomorrow, and I’m so grateful for their ongoing enthusiasm.

I was so very sad and disappointed to miss out on volunteering—especially since it’s an event that only comes around once a year. But I suppose it will make next year that much sweeter.

Looking forward to having some friends over for a swimming celebration tomorrow. They’ve recently had COVID, as well, so they’re safe and solid to be around our household.

Then early next week, when we’ve had a bit more separation from our germs, we hope to connect with a few others.

Onward and upward with Summer 2022!

Can you believe it’s just seven weeks until school starts again???? In a few days, we’ll be a THIRD of the way through the break, already!

The time, it is precious. And we’re going to appreciate every last bit!

Happy Almost Friday, peeps!

Over and out. 

P.S. For anyone interested, my personal COVID round was not exactly nothing, and sort of atypical. 

Obviously, I kicked it off with the extreme nausea and vomiting that sent me to the ER for fluids and meds. 

During the initial two days, I had a killer headache, as well, but that’s not exactly noteworthy for me—especially since I triggered a migraine one of those days. So let’s just say, if that had been my only symptom, I’m not sure I would have figured it out.

The congestion appeared around day four and was only moderate, and I was fortunate to never develop a severe cough—or the insane sore throat the hubby did.

But my mild nausea is lingering and the exhaustion—oh, the sleepiness—was pretty major. For many days straight, I slept all night, woke in the morning when the kiddos left for VBS, and then closed my eyes again and didn’t stir until noon. Insane.

So there you have it. My personal experience in a nutshell. Still grateful the kiddos have remained negative.

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