Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Test Kitchen Tuesdays—Teddy Bear Float

Oh my goodness, peeps.

I spoke to a mom friend the other day, and she shared about the summer boredom phase that’s hit her household, and in my mind, I was thinking: holy, moly, we’re the opposite! These days keep zooming by!

Yesterday, we left the house at 8:30 a.m., and didn’t return until nearly dinnertime. Playground play date, errands, piano lessons, violin lessons, more playground time. I mean, we are packing in the activities this summer, and for the most part, it’s a great thing.

Unfortunately, due to more COVID circulating among friends (it’s everywhere right now!) we had to cancel our little swim get-together today, and honestly, it was probably for the best. It was another jam-packed day, but this time, from home.

We tackled some much-needed school work (after Colorado, and then my COVID quarantine, my kiddos’ math skills are already trying to slip, so we’re going to have to be extra vigilant to keep that from happening).

The kiddos also played with LEGOs for ages today. All happy and imaginative together. And then we managed  some “cooking” fun.

We needed something with a minimum time commitment but maximum fun, so I busted out this adorable Teddy Bear Picnic float idea I’d seen online, and it was a super-cute success. :)

And if these three don’t look like a trio of trouble in this first pic, I don’t know what does! Ha.

We’re off on a mini adventure tomorrow, so more mañana.

Until then…happy Tuesday, peeps! (It is Tuesday, right???)

Over and out. 

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