Monday, June 13, 2022

Vail 2022–The Return & All The Rest

Holy, moly, moly. What a roller-coaster few days!

When last I posted, it was Thursday evening, and we’d just wrapped our third and final full day in Vail, and all the gorgeousness and family time that came with it (minus that dang gondola).

Little did I know I’d wake up in our hotel room in the wee hours of Friday morning with extreme nausea and vomiting that eventually landed me in the ER of the Vail hospital (gorgeous, might I add, as an aside) for fluids, anti-nausea meds, painkillers and other odds and ends.


Despite reporting to the lovely staff members about the hubby’s COVID diagnosis a couple weeks ago, they suspected something else viral that had already sent a handful of patients with similar symptoms their way, and just focused on getting me stable enough to travel home.

Insert the WORST travel day I’ve ever muddled through.

Talk about a two-hour drive through winding mountain roads and elevation changes to make it back to Denver with a tummy that was sooooo ready to empty its contents at a moment’s notice. I sat with my vomit bag on my lap the entire way and said a lotta prayers.

Add in a hella hot and bumpy shuttle back from the rental car facility, lugging my carcass through baggage check and security, and then racing to make our flight (landing in the ER on your travel day will cause some delays).

Next up: a two hour flight back home, which was blessedly smooth, but by that point I was rocking in my seat, my head was ready to split open—thanks to the life-saving anti-nausea meds; every medicine has its cost—and I wanted to weep at the thought of a hot shower and my own bed.

The hubby was a CHAMP. Ushering the kiddos and the baggage when I was so weary upon landing I just wanted to lay down on the floor of the parking garage—even when I could see our car in the distance.

The final kicker: migraine spots during the home stretch. I mean, just…UGH.

We made it home. I showered. I dosed myself up. I put an ice pack on my head to keep my brains from exploding.

Then I slept 13 hours.

When I woke at nearly noon on Saturday, I didn’t feel so hot, but the nausea had subsided and this week is VBS at our church and I was slated to teach Bible Lessons. So I hauled myself out of bed for my orientation meeting that afternoon and used up all my energy just acting like a human for half an hour.

Once home, the hubby and I both agreed it would be best (why oh why didn’t the hospital do this??) to take a COVID test before potentially exposing hundreds of kiddos to my germs. And wouldn’t you know it: the dang thing came back positive immediately.


Moral of this story:

Demand a COVID test, even when 6-8 medical professionals advise there is no need. Though, to be honest, I was hardly at my best during my ER visit and just happy not to be vomiting.

I feel so guilty about ALL the people I might have exposed during my travel home (but feel grateful I wore a mask).

Poor church had to bring in a backup for my volunteer slot at VBS, and I’m horrendously sad about missing this once-a-year event. :(

The hubby is still holding down the fort while I continue my quarantine and sleep and wake and get back to better health. The expected congestion hit yesterday, but it’s holding kind of steady, so I’m hoping I’m through the worst, and the kiddos are still testing negative.

SO many things to be thankful for, but this was not necessarily how I wanted to end our vacay!

Since it’s also not how I want this post to end, please enjoy these fun shots I took in Vail, utilizing this Lensball I lurv but had tucked away in my closet for ages.

Happy Whatever Day This Is, peeps.

Over and out. 

P.S. Here’s to the cutest coffee stoppers I’ve ever come across. From a coffee shop in Glenwood Springs, tehe.

P.P.S. The stoppers might have been the cutest, but my favorite coffee of the trip was my Honey & Lavender Oat Milk Latte from a shop in Vail Village. I went back more than once. Yuuuum.

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