Saturday, July 23, 2022

My Twins/Not Twins

Man, oh, man, oh, man, peeps.

We are beyond officially in the homestretch of our summer.




Holy moly.

Yesterday, we wrapped up our final scheduled camp/activity of the summer (woohoo, science camp), today, we attended our final social event (a kiddo bday party), and now…we’re free as a bird.

No scheduled commitments.

No planned play dates.

No massive to-dos.

For Mon/Tues/Wed of this coming week, we get to hunker down at home (for only the second stretch of a few “free” days this summer), and do all the good things.

Reading, snuggling, a bit of school work, a lot of cleaning, swimming, hopefully a project, some lovely family time…just summer freedom-from-schedules, before it slips through our fingers.

Then on Thursday (praying we have no hitch like another broken arm), we head out for our major family trip (!!!), and when we return, school will be days away. Days.

We’ve really packed a lot into this summer, and it’s been a great one.

The kiddos have been happy, entertained, active, and I think we’ve managed the right blend of busy and free.

It’s hard to believe we’re closing in on the final days, but we’re also excited about the routine of the school year, and I think my kiddos will be in a good head space when it starts.

As part of our back-to-school prep, I finally managed to switch pediatricians (I really never loved ours, but pandemic life made it less appealing to make a change). So all three kiddos have been in for their annual well-visits, to establish them as patients before the school year (and germs) kick in.

Chica had her appointment a couple week ago, and Little Man and Chicklet had theirs yesterday, and I’m so happy to report that all three are thriving. :)

These two crazies are legitimately IDENTICAL in height at the moment, and less than two pounds separates them in weight, ha.

I feel like Chicklet isn’t often recognized as a tal girl, when she’s often standing next to her also-tall siblings, but she’s currently in the 75th percentile, so she’s well above average, and has been most of her life. 

And Little Man…oh boy. The doctor laughed when I asked if he was in the 90th percentile (as he’s always been). Then she showed me his dot on the chart and laughed that he’s so dang tall he’s not even on the height curve for kiddos his anymore. When I inquired if she thought he’d reach the hubby’s height of six feet, she laughed again and told me he’d be “well over” six feet.

Who knows.

Only time will tell.

But I can report that Little Man is growing all the time. And Chicklet is aging like a maniac, as well. Every morning when she wakes and comes in with her sleepy face and sweet smile, I swear she’s grown taller and older overnight.

And Little Man’s calves have recently stretched—like just within the past two weeks; it’s crazy—and are now an identical match to the hubby’s. And I mean IDENTICAL. To the point that I was just laughing walking behind the two of them today, noting the cloning.

DNA is a crazy thing, I tell ya.

It’s sometimes so hard to watch my beautiful, crazy, LOVED babies getting older and wiser and more independent, but I’m so grateful for that growth and the miracle that it is every, dang day

And I’m also grateful (so, so grateful) for the presence of mind to take stock of it.

The days are long but the years are short, peeps.

We’re going to soak up these final days of summer like all-star sponges.

Happy Weekend!

Over and out.

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