Thursday, August 11, 2022

FALLing/Shifting Routines

Be still, my heart.

Is it ever too soon for a ghostly, ghoulish countdown???

Me thinks NOT.

It was several weeks ago that I saw the first GLORIOUS signs of my favorite time of year: Fall fragrances hitting the grocery store shelves. :)

Obviously, it made me do mental backflips of JOY and snap pics of the occasion, and send group family texts that read, “it’s happening.” Squeeeeeee!

Mere days later, the next AMAZEBALLS sign came in the form of the first Fall catalogues in the mailbox. Two arrived in one day! Double squeeeee!

And the final, happy-happy-joy-joy sign: decorations hitting the store shelves. :)

A bonus sign, now a couple weeks later: Halloween threads with their own tabs on websites:

I can’t fully express how much joy and happiness these signs of impending Fall bring me.

Forget the naysayers who think it shouldn’t happen for another month or two. There’s nothing wrong with celebrating early and often (in my humble opinion)!!


In case you can’t tell, I’m focusing on the positives of this back-to-school shift and the change it brings, instead of dwelling on the summer that whizzed by. 

There’s a lot to be thankful for at all times—no matter the shifts or changes or season.

A few of the others items on my gratitude list this evening:

The fantastic launch of our school year (more on that as well settle in next week).

A brief change in weather. 

Clouds rolled in and we had RAIN this evening. For the first time in weeks and weeks. The temperature actually dropped below 80 and it was unbelievable. I wore a sweater around the house and lit the pumpkin spice candle for the first time this year (obnoxious and a bit extreme, I know).

I’m aware that it will take another solid couple of months for the weather to turn or for Fall to truly begin. But I love, love, love these early and often signs of change that’s coming. Change of the fun and fantastical kind.

It’s a beautiful thing.

Happy Almost Friday, peeps!

Over and out. 

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