Monday, August 8, 2022

Meet-the-Teacher: 2022 Edition!

Holy moly, MOLY, peeps!


The 2022-2023 school year is upon us!

Tonight was meet-the-teacher night. Woohoo!

What cute photo backdrops they made this year, yes??


Also, because I know you’re wondering: why, yes, Little Man is wearing awesomesauce, fuzzy, yellow shoes, ha. And for the record, they are actual, official shoes with real bottoms (Ugg brand), and not technically slippers. Each of the kiddos got a fun, wild-colored pair (Chica’s are purple and Chicklet’s are rainbow) for our vacation travel this summer.

But please allow me to offer two points of context related to said fuzzy, yellow shoes:

First, he wore them by default, as I’d just put his relatively new tennis shoes in the washer so they’d be shiny and bright for the first day of school on Wednesday. Nice timing, Mama. I know, ha.

And, second: I think I’ve posted about this before, but I have strong to quite strong feelings about my kiddos and their clothes—in that I try to allow them as much leeway to wear whatever the heck makes them feel happy and confident. Within reason and context appropriateness.

This often means mismatched colors and patterns, fabrics and combinations I might never put together, or even hairstyles I might arrange differently, but…at the end of the day, I want my kiddos feeling comfortable in their clothes and their skin as much as possible, and that means allowing them a certain amount of autonomy on the styling front.

And what better time to feel confident than when launching a new school year, yes???

Last point: if you know me at all, you also know that occasionally pull clothing rank for family photos and/or vacations—but even then, I try to dress each kiddo in a style that’s natural to them. A Mama’s gotta have some dictated coordination sometimes, amiright?? ;)

Now…we continue.

Hello, school mascot!

Ugh. One of our my most beloved teachers of all time. Thank goodness we gets bits of her every year. Chicklet was so happy to see her—and so was I!

And, look! Chicklet’s teacher for this year! Yet again, we lucked out with an amazing draw for all three kiddos. This one actually bumped up from 2nd grade to 3rd, so Chicklet already knew of her. Bonus!

And Little Man has a class pet this year! Squeeee! A hamster (jazz hands) that the kiddos might get to bring home some weekends. I mean…the excitement!

And Little Man’s 1st grade teacher was actually Chicklet’s back in the day, as well! So we know and love her and were so happy to have her again. Little Man was hoping for her. :)

Because my Chica is a mature and lovely 5th grader (UGH), I didn’t embarrass her with a photo opportunity with her teacher, ha. Just like last year, I gave her a pass. But she’s been assigned a great teacher, as well, and will actually rotate by subject this year, so she’ll have exposure to several others.

In all, our vibe going into this school year is POSITIVE.

I think it’s been so helpful to have a decent bit of contact with friends this summer, so many activities and camps that everyone has stayed occupied and the time has flown by, and…the reading has been so strong in our household that I know their brainwaves have been firing!

In fact, we filled out our reading logs for the summer, and all three kiddos achieved the highest reading level with 2,000+ minutes, and I COULD NOT BE MORE OVERJOYED! And honestly, neither could they! Just look at these smiles:

It’s really truly impossible to believe that summer is coming to an end for us in about 24 hours, and, yet…we’re just going to roll with it and not overthink anything!

Reality and wake-up angst and homework will settle in eventually. For now, we’re just going to live in the land of cautiously optimistic.

Happy School Week Monday, peeps!

Over and out. 

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