Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Settling In

Well, peeps.

I’ve been a bit slower to post as we navigate these first few days of school. But, tomorrow, we’re a week into the school year, and I’m thrilled to report that we’re holding stable—woohoo!

Better still—after a few days of careful evaluation, I can officially say this was the smoothest school year kick-off we’ve had, yet! And that’s, major.

I’ve attributed this fairly seamless transition to a few factors:

First: it was a quick summer! Barely 10 weeks. Crazy. So the kiddos didn’t have much time to fall out of routine and forget what the school year felt like.

Second: we kept pretty, dang busy! And for a handful of our activities (like zoo camp, science camp, etc.) they were either in an actual school environment, or a school-like environment, which kept them in learning mode at various points throughout the summer, and accustomed to busy, long(ish) days. So helpful.

Third: they were reading machines this summer! And, we tackled a bit of math, as well, so their brains didn’t entirely atrophy, ha. I think that helped their confidence when the school year began. :)

Fourth: consistency! Chica is now at the start of her fourth year at this school, Chicklet has spent her entire elementary life there, and Little Man isn’t a newbie kindergartner anymore! Which means they’re all familiar with and comfortable in their surroundings. And that minimizes nerves and the fear of the unknown in a major way! Beyond getting accustomed to a new teacher and the assortment of friends they ended up with, everything else was easy breezy.

Fifth: they’re just getting older and older (whaaaaaa!). Which basically just translates into fewer meltdowns as they’re dealing with major transitions or change or stress.

In this regard, I actually have to be careful to remember that Little Man is still so young (and, therefore, a bit more tired than the girlies), because he handles himself in such a confident and mature way that I often forget! When the girlies were his age, man, was it Mass Meltdown Chaos for weeks on end when the school year began, so Little Man is way ahead of the curve in this regard. The benefit of being the youngest. 

Now. All this said, I’m 100% aware that we might absolutely TANK this week when we have to survive a full five days in a row with that 6 a.m. wake-up and loooong, brain-taxing days. Plus the launch of homework this week!


I have faith that even if we tank, we’ll recover faster than we have in years past, and we definitely know the right tips and tricks to minimize the pain (namely: more sleep; EARLIER BEDTIMES).

Now. One final bit of positively for this school year launch: sunrises!

We’re blessed to travel east down the street that leads to school, and for many months of the school year, our timing is PRIME for sunrise viewing.

Check out this beauty from yesterday morning (when we had rain—RAIN!!!—to boot!):

Just stunning.

The most beautiful and centering way to launch a day.

More tomorrow about extra-curriculars and more school year fun!

Happy Tuesday, peeps!

Over and out. 

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