Thursday, August 18, 2022

Shrink Art Affirmation Key Chains!

Well, peeps.

I really, really don’t wanna jinx it, but tomorrow’s Friday of our first full week of school, and we’re still holding steady!

So steady, in fact, that Chicklet was singing and dancing (literally) her way through her homework tonight, and made the official declaration that she likes 3rd grade even better than 2nd grade. She then proceeded to compliment her wonderful teacher by telling me: “she explains things in easy ways I understand.” Victory!

Little Man had a special positive behavioral note written on his agenda last night (agendas come home every day, and the teachers occasionally use them to communicate with parents), and cried legitimate tears when he had to miss school this afternoon for a doctor’s appointment, because he just wanted to be there.

And Chica’s language arts teacher leaned into my car at pick-up today when she found out I was her mother and told me she “loooooves” Chica and is so happy to have her in class. Shocker. :)

So basically, my crazies continue to have everyone fooled, but I don’t care, so long as they continue to display such positive vibes about school!

And because of those positive vibes, we were able to work in a project this afternoon. Woohoo!

I give you…shrink art key chains! Yay!

If you’ll recall, the night before the first day of school, I made special little shrink art key chains for the kiddos and snuck them into their lunch boxes to give them a boost and a smile.

The surprise was a major hit with all three—so much, in fact, that they’ve proudly displayed their key chains on their backpacks (along with gobs of other key chains, ha), and some of their friends have even taken notice of them.

One of Chicklet’s little friends even requested one of these key chains (so cute), and when Chicklet came home asking me to make one for this little friend of hers, I told her we’d do one better and all make key chains. For fun! And for friends!

It was a MASSIVE hit as far as projects go. So simple, but so happy.

We utilized this shrink art kit I purchased months ago on Amazon, and I gotta say, it was well worth the money (which wasn’t much) for the entertainment value.

They all had plenty of ideas for drawings.

But the thing I loved the MOST about this project was the fact that they turned almost every key chain into a message of affirmation, as well. Probably because that’s what I did for their little key chains I made on the first day of school.

They wrote messages like:

Live, Laugh, Love
You are my shine.
I love you to the moon and back, always.
Shine like the sun!

I just luuuurved to see their sweet little thoughts and messages. It made my heart SO happy.

What a lovely way to incorporate some creativity into our week. And to spread some positivity.

Grateful for such a solid week.

I hope to keep this momentum going!

Happy Almost Friday, peeps!

Over and out. 

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