Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Tennis Lessons!

Okay, peeps.

I’m back, after an unintended few days without posting—thanks to some technical difficulties, and a series of migraines (oye, to the changing weather, but I’m still grateful for the rain!).


For my I’m-still-here-don’t-worry post, I’m excited to report the new extra-curricular activity that has the kiddos—and us parents!—feeling all kinds of low-key and happy:

Tennis lessons!!!

But not just any old tennis lessons.

Tennis lessons with an instructor who COMES TO OUR NEIGHBORHOOD FOR US!!

I mean, holy awesomesauce!

As you might recall from various posts on this here blog, the kiddos—and Little Man, most of all—have really been enjoying tennis lately.

We’ve always casually hit the ball around as a family, and we’re lucky to have a tennis court in our neighborhood as part of the general recreation area. 

We even kicked off the summer with a few super-fun weeks of evening tennis time in our driveway (with modified rackets and balls to keep things from flying too far and wide).

Over the summer, I’d planned to have the kiddos try out a week of tennis camp through our school district, but some family rounds of COVID, combined with Chica’s broken arm, made that a no-go.

But I kept the idea in the back of my mind—especially because Little Man kept asking for lessons!


Here we are, a few weeks later, after the good fortune of getting in touch with an instructor the hubby utilized once or twice randomly.

We were this close to signing the kiddos up for more traditional, small-group lessons at a location about 20 minutes down the road (I’m sure this would have been a great option, as well) when we happened to call this instructor to see if she’d be willing to travel to us, and…VOILA! She was totally A-okay with coming our way.

I mean…holy convenience.

I can’t tell you how easy-breezy it feels to drive two minutes to our neighborhood recreational facility for this fun, Tuesday-evening lesson time.

Compounding the easy-breezy vibe is that fact that all three kiddos get to enjoy thus activity AT THE SAME TIME. I mean…talk about EFFICIENCY for our extra-curriculars. Amen, Halleluiah.

This instructor is utilizing just the right blend of fun and discipline. The drills are sometimes hysterical, and lemme tell ya how WIPED my three crazies are after an hour of hard cardio. :)

Across the board, this has been a bright light of change and positivity to kick off our school year, and I can’t wait to see how it plays out over the coming weeks.

Look at these overheated faces after last week’s lesson (in about 97 degree temps, ha). Also, please note Hermione, who tagged along:

Needless to say, we brought a LOT MORE WATER for last night’s lesson:

Since carting around that many smaller bottles was a bit obnoxious, I went to Tarjay today and purchased giant, sports-like bottles for the kiddos, moving forward. A solid (minimal) hydration investment.

So…here’s to a happy, new, official extra-curricular activity—right on our home turf!—that all three kiddos can enjoy (and one the parents don’t have to dread, ha).

What more can you ask for???

Sweaty smiles for miles (and look at that gap filling in with his big boy teeth!) on the drive home…

Happy Hump Day, peeps!

Hoping to catch up on other posts soooooon.

Over and out. 

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