Saturday, September 10, 2022

A Harry/Phoenix Milestone!

Holy, moly, moly, we hit a MAJOR milestone today:

Chica and I finished reading the fifth book!!!

I mean…that’s 871 pages of ACTION-PACKED drama and gloriousness, people!

And if you can believe it, we read nearly 100 pages of that today alone, to finish things up!

This fifth book is the longest in the entire series, as most fans with remember. And it covers—and reveals!—SO much.

So I knew that once we approached the dramatic climax (that really covers a handful of chapters), we were going to need a marathon reading session to avoid stopping during some drama drama, drama.

Today, on a lazy Saturday, when half of us are under the weather with a random cold, it was the perfect day for it. :)

We spent about three hours (broken up with a couple of tiny micro-breaks) holed up in Chica’s room, and it was wonderful

It absolutely makes my heart soar to experience Chica’s very own love affair with these books as it continues to strengthen and unfold. And Chicklet and Little Man are certainly following suit!

This book took us right around a year to read, and it’s impossible to think we’re barreling toward the final two books now.

It’s been three years of our read-aloud journey so far, and it’s been the most incredible gift and joy.

The hubby and I actually can’t wait to watch the fifth movie with her now (whenever we’ll be able to work it in to the schedule), as it’s one of our favorites. Something fun to look forward to!

Then later this evening, after the reading extravaganza, I was so grateful to spend time with all three of my crazies, taking them to the end-of-summer neighborhood social. Complete with a bouncy house water slide. I mean…MAJOR HIT. Ha.

They literally went in a nonstop loop climbing and sliding for a solid hour and a half. And had so much fun running around with their little neighborhood friends.

It was a great way to complete our summer swim fun and continue to power onward toward Fall!

Happy Saturday, peeps!

Over and out. 

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