Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Strings Zing!

Okay, peeps.

I have a huge, gigantic, MAJOR milestone to report!


Is the FIRST.


Of Chica in…


Like, literally inside her specific middle school for the very first time. (*Jazz hands, instant nausea and uncontrollable sobbing.)


We were there, and she was totally game for a couple of fantastic, covert pics when nobody was around or looking, so we could commemorate this momentous occasion. :)

I love this poster that was on the wall. Because nothing says “kindness” like…middle school? Ha. I’m really trying, here.


Whyyyyyy, you might ask, was Chica inside the middle school last week??


For a really lovely occasion! The Strings Fair! As in…violin, viola, cello, bass, and the good-old harp. (*More jazz hands, but no nausea or sobbing.)

The long and short is that our particular elementary school is wonderful enough that it offers a free strings program to any 5th graders interested in participating. 

The middle school orchestra director zips on over to our elementary school (luckily, they are only down the street from one another) twice a week after school to teach this program, and Chica’s been looking forward to it for a loooooong time.

And her instrument of choice is…violin!

We had the absolute best time, frequenting our local music store for the first time to rent her instrument and secure all the extras she needed—like her music book, shoulder pad and portable music stand.

I mean, my girl was G-LOWING. Like, so excited I thought she might lift up and out of her body as the delightful staff member helped us newbies with all of our needs.

And lemme tell ya how PUMPED she was to get back home and show off her violin. Carefully. Oh so carefully!

We’re already learning sooo much. Like: this is actually what they call a half-sized violin. It’s all about arm length, and ten years old is about the age when you bump up to a three-quarter sized violin—which was out of stock, but should make it to us later this week.

I really can’t express with enough gusto how pumped my girl is to start learning to play. Who knows if she’ll maintain her interest, or express any particular skill, but I love that she’s game for these kinds of opportunities.

We’ve really been working hard these past few months as we’ve approached a fresh school year to hone in on the activities that bring each kiddo JOY in a legitimate way.

As they age there’s no time and space for the like-not-love activities, so I’ve been doing my best to let them lead me in the directions of their interests.

This year, Chica is enjoying tennis, participating in choir again, representing girl power as the only girl on the school’s Tech Team, and now launching this violin journey. Considering her love of all things music (including piano, when we fit it in), it’s really evident that she has fine arts leanings. 

Who knows if that will morph and change (most likely, it will, about a gazillion times!), but I’m thrilled with her enthusiasm regarding her chosen activities—and more than that, I’m thrilled she’s so eager to try new things and to participate with a positive attitude.


One final bit of fantastic news, related to this strings program: Chica has not one but three other girlfriends from her homeroom class who are also participating, and when they discovered this during the fair at the middle school, I literally thought they might implode from sheer excitement! Ha.

The four of them huddled together in the cutest, giddiest way, and their eyes bugged out of their heads when the mothers exchanged phone numbers so we could keep in touch.

Chica was so stinking pumped that she told me on the way to the car that she was like, vibrating. And I thought that was the best and most accurate description of the joy coursing through her happy little body.

So…here’s to a new adventure and the fun of seeing where it leads. I’ll keep you posted!

Happy Tuesday, peeps!

Over and out. 

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