Monday, October 3, 2022

150 & Going!

Well, peeps.

We had ourselves a Monday.

The kind where you’re really wishing for that Friday to hurry on up, again!

Of course, a bit of household crankiness and two full hours of kiddo homework didn’t help round things out, but…what can you do?? We’ll start fresh tomorrow!

All that said…I was still able to step back and have a forest through the trees moment regarding something else entirely, and it reminded me that you have to just take things one step and one day at a time—or in this case, one crunch!

So…in the Spring, I shared a post about my Barre experience and what a positive thing it’s been for me—both physically, and socially, as I’ve come to adore so many of the women in my exercise circle.

This week, I’m marking 150 classes, and while that’s a lovely milestone for me, there’s a lady I lurv to bits and pieces who has logged more than 1,750 classes (over seven years!), and today, she marked her 70th bday!

Considering she’s pretty much the official matriarch of the studio and the person with the best zest and spunk of anyone I’ve every met, it was only right we threw a little celebration. :)

She’s so deserving, and she’s absolutely one of the reasons I enjoy my time suffering and pushing myself to the point of shaky exhaustion.

Without this little firecracker of a lady, we’d all wimp out much sooner during some of our reps. She’s a self proclaimed “southern but no belle,” and she has a firm motto of not suffering in silence. Basically, when the tough gets going, she whoops and hollers and gives us all a bit of comedic relief and the sense that we’re not alone in our pain.

She’s a gift, I tell ya.

I’m so grateful to have fallen into this routine that serves me in such a positive manner, and in just shy of 15 months, I’ve gained some wonderful friendships that keep me coming back, morning after morning—for the camaraderie, as well as the exercise!

These friendship circles and schedules and workout routines certainly come and go throughout life, as all things naturally do. But I find myself hoping this phase hangs around as long as possible for Yours, Truly, because it’s certainly an activity that helps fill my emotional cup when there are so many other things that have a tendency to drain it!

So here’s to one step—and one lunge or push up!—at a time, and taking a moment to appreciate the positives in life.

Especially on a Monday when you might need a little pick-me-up.

More mañana, peeps!

Over and out. 

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