Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Germs, BEGONE (Again)!

Okay, peeps.

You see my boy right here??? (With the adorable Happy Meal bucket!)

Poor dude has been put through the RINGER this past month or so.

Three solid rounds of illness with high fevers, congestion and vomiting. And this latest bit of “fun” was actually strep throat.

I mean…just, NOPE.

Yesterday morning, the nurse at his pediatrician’s office was like: what do you want him tested for??

My answer: EVERYTHING.

We needed to identify the germs and BANISH THEM.

So my poor boy suffered through a COVID/viral panel nasal swab, a flu nasal swab, a strep throat swab—and then a FOURTH swab to repeat one of them when the nurse accidentally threw one away and was so apologetic and horrified.

But my son certainly knows how to work it.

The moment the nurse left after all that torture, he handed me his iPad with puppy dog sick eyes to download a new game, and I double-clicked so fast. The least he deserved for all this illness.

We administered his first antibiotics within two hours, and he felt okay enough for a doodle (his request).

But by the end of the doodle (another zombie selection; this time from a video game/book series), I’m pretty sure he felt like this drawing:

Just a bit later, when we had to do two separate rounds of picking up the girlies from school, he was in bad, bad shape and I felt so sorry for him. It’s awful when one kiddo is sick but has to be hauled along to grab others.

Poor dude has been so feverish the last few days that he’s been prone to taking off his shirt and showing off his scrawny little frame while confiscating my heating pad and sleeping on it, ha. It’s certainly been a look. And holy goodNESS has the boy been snoring.


He FINALLY turned a corner this morning after the antibiotics began to kick in. He’s no longer contagious and definitely feeling better, as he’s got a lot of his mischievousness back, ha.

On the whole—thanks to crazy schedules and juggling kiddos and dentist appointments for the girlies and an early release school day—it was a rough run, and we felt a bit wonky. It’s hard to keep the household even keel when someone is sick.

So we took advantage of the half school day and made a happy trip to Barnes & Noble, where the kiddos easily tugged at my heartstrings and came away with a haul, ha.

What can I say??? I’m a BOOK LOVER and easy mark.

Then we went for frozen yogurt (must fluff my boy back up!)…

And these cutie pies spent a decent bit of the afternoon with their noses in books and giggling happily together, now that Little Man is no longer sequestered.

Oh, and full circle moment: the book that the zombie doodle is from, tehe:

LOVE my babies and I’m so hopeful that ALL will be healthy and at school tomorrow! This Mama needs a catch-up day—and a decent night of sleep tonight! I’m too old for all these nighttime sick kiddo interruptions, ha.

So here’s to a SOLID hump day, and germs, BEGONE!

Over and out. 

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