Monday, October 31, 2022

Halloween 2022!

Well, peeps…we did it!

Another Halloween is in the books, and it was a lovely one. :)

I give you…(oat) milk, (gluten-free) cookie, ninja, Miss Robin Hood, and Link (from Zelda)!

But rewinding a bit…

It’s my 11th Halloween as a Mama, and I’d like to think I’ve learned a few things to help on the actual day. But no matter how organized I try to be or what day of the week with holiday falls, the hour before we head is always insane in the membrane! Exhilarated chaos and overstimulation, ha.

Thank heavens, the teachers were kind enough not to give any homework, which helped a ton. And the kiddos came home silly and ornery and ready for the main event, so their moods were definitely right. ;)

Thankfully, they didn’t have to wait long!

After gathering up allllll the odds and ends of the costumes that were scattered all over the house (the hazards of buying early), we herded ourselves outside for the obligatory pics before meeting up with some neighbors down the street.

We were supposed to have some drinks and play time at the neighbor’s house down the street before trick-or-treating time, but one of their kiddos spiked a fever JUST before go time. So disappointing! And all too familiar on the germ front. There is so much circulating right now. Boooo.


I lurv my kiddos’ emthusiastic posing, ha.

My little ninja:

Showing off her dexterity, ha.

And look at my little Link’s power poses:

And, helloooo Miss lovely Robin Hood. So classy.

Also of note: Nanna in town for the fun, of course!

Plus, please check out the hysterical candy bags with hands/brooms I got for the kiddos. They were a hit and weighted to keep the candy from falling out (which always seems to happen with standard buckets).

The hubby and I’s ouple costume this year made me chuckle. A standard milk and cookie combo—but with the twist of added lettering I ironed on to make it more applicable to us, ha.

I’m so grateful for the familiarity of enough neighbors to make it a really fun evening for the kiddos.

Not only did we jointly trick-or-treat with two families we know (minus Chicklet’s poor little sick freind), but we ran across other friends and classmates along the way.

Despite loads of neighbors waiting until the last minute to put out any decorations this year (such a change from last year’s early enthusiasm) it felt like we had a really solid turnout this year! A festive atmosphere, for sure. :)

Nothing better than seeing gobs of kiddos running from house to house. :) Classic.

What’s Halloween without aching legs, dark skies, bags full, and home on the horizon.

And an immediate inventory of the haul—before consumption, ha.

It’s a beautiful thing to mark another year with smiling kiddos and core memories accumulated. I’m so grateful for their enthusiasm and happy time with friends.

So…HAPPY HALLOWEEN 2022, peeps!

Over and out!

P.S. I almost forgot one last thing!

For my Barre class this morning, there was a costume contest and several of us arrived in fun attire. I had a blast in my butterfly wings and this perfect mask that Nanna actually made a few years back.

Honestly, thanks to the vibrant colors, it was one of the happiest costumes I’ve ever worn, it made exercising SO much more fun, and I totally would have worn it out tonight if the hubby and I hadn’t planned for our duo gear.

Next year, maybe. To give it a bonus year!

P.P.S. A late-breaking addition to the post: we have THUNDER! And LIGHTNING! What better way to end a Halloween than a small, spooky storm???

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