Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Hot Chocolate Mondays Are Baaaaack!

Okay, peeps.

Whether you’re a not-until-after-Thanksgiving purist, or a free-for-all-the-day-after-Halloween enthusiast like me…when the coffee cups start looking festive, it’s GO TIME!

Obviously, I snagged my first cup o’ cheer a few days ago, on Day 1 of their release (obvs), but yesterday, I surprised the kiddos with the launch of Hot Chocolate Mondays, which is something we enjoy throughout the holiday weeks. :)

And what a total BONUS that they received one of each cup—woohoo!

For a trip down memory lane, check out this post from five years ago, when we began this tradition. :) Hellooooo, McKinney house! We miss you! And, UGH, to tiny, adorable (ironically, sick) babies!


I kept yesterday’s post limited to Little Man’s latest round of illness and our diorama building time. But there was soooooo much more going on in our household, which is pretty much par for the course these days (and for the foreseeable future, amiright???).

This time of year is absolutely MAGICAL, and filled with all the extra that makes my heart sooooo happy, but let’s be honest: it’s also filled with massive to-do lists and loads of stress. Mostly happy stress, but still!

Between intensive school projects, extra-curricular performances, ramped-up volunteering requests, school parties, personal parties, gift buying, decorating mania, traveling, cooking, baking, elf-on-shelf-ing, and alllllllll the rest-of-the-best that we ALL know and love (or maybe some of you loathe, ha)….it’s a lot.

AND HAVE I MENTIONED THE GERM SITUATION, and how it tends to FUDGE with one’s life and schedule?!!!

Unsurprisingly, I already spent my first moderately sleepless night scribing a massive to-do list in m’brain, when I probably would have been better off just hopping out of bed a tackling a bunch of it, ha.

The good news (at least, in my experience), is that it comes in waves.

The next two weeks will be total hustle and bustle, and then it will be more about living in the moment for the week of Thanksgiving before the next wave of mass chaos hits.

So I’m here to take the breathers, enjoy the hot chocolate moments, and all the time with the kiddos I can manage (boy, did we have a lot more of it today, since they were off school for Election Day), and try to just tackle one day and one item at a time.

CHEERS to the holiday season, peeps!

And keeping our sanity throughout. ;)

Happy Tuesday.

Over and out!

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