Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Papier-mâché Lobster Vibes

Okay, peeps.

I’m gonna go ahead and make the assumption that the majority of you reading this blog have also seen the movie, Love, Actually, at some point.



We all know and love it, especially this time of year, and if you don’t know and love it…well, I don’t really know what to say to you, except: get your Grinch heart on board!


There’s a poignant storyline with Emma Thompson, the devoted mom and housewife, whose brother, Hugh Grant, is the Prime Minister. Emma is basically coming to the realization that she spent her day making a papier-mâché lobster for her daughter’s holiday performance, while her brother was busy Prime Ministering.

Humbling contrast, yes?

My contextual point to this: I am sooooooo in the weeds of my Papier-mâché Lobster phase of life, and sometimes it’s equal parts joyful, hysterical, rewarding and demeaning—and I’m pretty sure any involved mother the world over can emphasize when I type that.

What did my older brother do last Tuesday??? He opened a Swiss Bank account in his new city of Zurich, located a new apartment, where he’ll live, in Europe, and juggled a whole bunch of other important business-related items whilst basically kicking arse.

And what did I do last Tuesday??? I tended to my sick son and built an ocean diorama.


Not exactly an apples to apples comparison, amiright??

But any involved mother the world over will also tell you that there is so much value to the Papier-mâché cliches—even when the world occasionally looks down upon this type of role and “work.”

There is love and devotion and commitment and joy and money and time—oh, so much time—poured into every little bit of it.

The ocean dioramas, the science biomes, the special projects and classroom parties and room decorations and volunteer meetings and holiday celebrations—all of which, I’ve had on my plate in the past 10 days, in addition to “normal” life mothering and busyness, and sick kiddos home in a steady, beat-down rotation.

Sometimes it’s a lot.

And sometimes it’s hard to remember I’m anything other than a mom.

But I’m a firm believer there is a season for everything. 

This phase will pass in a blink—even when it sometimes feels like a century—and new life responsibilities and titles will emerge. 

I very much look forward to the next phase, when I’m not in the papier-mâché weeds. I still have goals and dreams and ambitions for myself that have absolutely nothing to do with my kiddos.

But I’m also so very aware of the years as they fly—especially as Chica prepares to enter middle school next year.

This phase is intensive, and hands on, but it passes so quickly. And I’m just so grateful every day I can see the forest through the trees and feel the joy and pride in the things I can do for my kiddos while they’re still young and in need of it.

Okay…much (much, much) more in coming posts on the crazy juggle that’s been our November, but for now, I leave you with tiny tidbits of the “extras” that have required a whole lotta love and time, this past week or so:

A sneak peek k of some of the Grinch work I was doing today for Little Man’s classroom decorations. It ended up vastly more involved than I planned (ha), but I can’t wait to show you the final product once I hang it at school tomorrow. It’s pretty fun!

Chica’s Arctic Tundra science biome project (and, yup, that’s a Christmas tree back there; more on that later!)…

I’m so grateful she’s always eager to tackle these school assignments, but working in the extra time they require is challenging, for sure! She spent many hours over several days.

It was not an insignificant bit of information for her to research and type up!

I’ll share another post soon (best laid plans) on the eternal struggle of showing equal quality time amongst my three amazing kiddos, but yesterday, it was Chicklet’s turn for some devoted Mama time, and she blossomed under the extra attention. It was a joy to help her with an All About Australia report she was doing…

And, of course, I’ve already shared a post about this, but one of Little Man’s (many) sick days was the perfect time to tackle his ocean diorama that was quite extensive but so very fun to assemble…

And, lastly, in the whole-lotta-extras-for-the-love-are-we-busy category…Chica decided to write a short story entry for a district-wide art competition. Again, I’m so proud of her for being eager and willing, but, boy, was it another thing to pack into the schedule!

It’s definitely the craziest pre-Thanksgiving time period we’ve had, to date, and it’s not going to slow down in the next 48 hours.

But here’s to trying to soak in all the work and accomplishments and time together—even when it sometimes feels overwhelming and Papier-mâché heavy. ;)

(Maybe I’ll take a looooong nap on Turkey Day, ha.)

Happy Hump Day, peeps!


Over and out. 

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