Tuesday, December 13, 2022

12 Days of Christmas…Crafts!

Okay, peeps.

It’s been the kind of start to our week that one might expect when you have a kiddo home sick with the flu.

It’s all sort of meh.

I actually have a lot of thoughts to share (shocker) regarding my mindset this Fall/Winter as we’ve waded through this season of constant illness.

But that can wait.

Today, I’ll post something a little more jolly—which is my hope that we can kinda sorta pull off something I always want to do this time of year: 12 Days of Christmas Crafts!! (Am I the only one freaking out that it’s officially 12 days ‘til Christmas???!).


We started the first one two days ago, and we’ll have to finish early due to travel (assuming everyone is healthy), and I’m sure we might I miss a day or two someone in there, but…8 If-We-Can-Manage Days of Christmas Crafts doesn’t really have the same ring to it, amiright?


I give you our first: a painted paper mache ornament (the globe ornaments already existed in the kit; all we had to do was decorate).

This one’s mine, and although I dig the lively stripes that I painted on it, the whole thing kinda gives me a circus rather than a Christmas vibe, ha. Oh well. I just went with the paint colors provided! I think it’s the bold yellow that skews it so heavily that way, yes??

Anywho. Heeeeere’s the kit (from Tar-jay).

We started the first portion of the project—painting one half—while streaming our online church service on Sunday morning. I was so bummed to miss this particularly service, as it’s the annual performance of the high school drum line during the service! I’m telling ya: Little Drummer Boy performed with an actual drum line is incredible.  

Here’s hoping we can be there in person again next year.

Anywho…we even brought a masked Chicklet out of her bedroom quarantine to paint a little:

Love this mischievous smile…

The paper mache material dried fast, so by afternoon, we were able to paint the opposite side. Then yesterday, after school, we added the embellishments. :)

Grateful for any chance of “normalcy” by way of a craft or project amidst all these thrown-out-the-window sick day schedules.

I’m really hoping Chicklet will finally turn the corner tomorrow, and be back at school by Thursday! Wishful thinking, perhaps, but I gotta keep hope alive!

In the meantime…at least I snagged this serene slumber pic this morning:

Poor girl coughed herself to sleep last night. She had such a hard time, she wasn’t fully out until almost eleven o’clock. OYE. Needless to say, I was immensely relieved she slept in late this morning to make up for it. Her body needs it!

More mañana, peeps.

Over and out. 

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