Friday, December 30, 2022

Big Tooth, Little Surgery

Well, peeps.

You can tell we’ve moved past all the holiday fun and info the Get Stuff Done portion of the remainder of our break…as evidenced by the past few days.

First and foremost, poor Chica had to knock out a minor oral surgery today. :(

My unluckily girl had a childhood molar that fused to the bone and wouldn’t vacate the premises. Oye. So it had to be removed to make way for the adult tooth that’s forcing its way in.

She was super anxious about the procedure, to the point that she barely slept last night and woke feeling ill from nerves.

But she handled it like the total stoic champ she is, and recovered so well by afternoon that I was shocked she wasn’t more swollen or sore.

So…yay, for getting that bit out of the way.

Additionally, I’ve spent the past couple of days busting my tail to put away Christmas around our casa.
The only downside to allllllll our obnoxious trees and decor is the time and pain it takes to pack it all up.

To shorten the duration of pain, I went into terminator mode and got seven of the trees down in about 30 hours—along with allllllll the other indoor and outdoor decor.

And, of course, you just always have to find one single thing that missed one of the 16,327 storage bins that are obsessively organized and stacked and shut away. And this year, it was this:

Hysterical in its minuscule size, but it’s very precious to me and part of a mice/teacup heirloom set that goes on my kitchen tree, so…gonna have to take the time and go to the effort of reuniting it with its buddies in the proper storage bin.

Meanwhile…to keep one remaining bit of festive cheer blazing strong, we brought back the fun of our Valentine’s tree, that we used to decorate annually, but somehow haven’t for the last couple of years. It’s so happy, happy, joy, joy, it makes me smile. :)

I am so NOT that person who’s annoyed by the manufactured size of the Valentine holiday. 

Bring. It. On.

Immediately, if not sooner.

Obviously, as evidenced by my Tar-Jay cart a couple days ago, tehe. What can I say? I have a problem and I’m A-okay with it.

Also. How great is this mat that the hubby actually spied and told me I needed, ha. Victory! It’s about to grace our front porch and make me very, very smiley.

So there you have it.

The final round of cleaning/laundry/re-set post holiday will happen tomorrow, and then I think we’ll be in good shape to face this New Year!!

Happy Friday, peeps!

Over and out. 

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