Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Self-Care Solitude

Okay, peeps.

Today, at long last, I had a day that worked toward refilling my depleted Mama cup, and I can’t even tell you how much it was needed.

Obviously, humans, the world over, are often busy and stressed, with a lot on their plate.

And parents tend to heap an extra, massive helping on top of that already-loaded plate.

But every so often, there’s a phase that the hubby and I describe as “the pot boiling over” that basically indicates a whole lotta extra on top of that full plate with an extra massive parental helping. 

And that was basically my personal November/December.

I don’t need to belabor the specifics at this point. If you follow along with this here blog, you know that we were stuck on a viral merry-go-round, wound up with a lot of illness fatigue, foiled travel plans, and just a very wonky couple of months.

I spent soooooo many days, stuck at home as the primary caregiver to my sick kiddos that it was the equivalent of more than a full month of a M-F, 9-5 job. 

Moreover, thanks to allllllllll that back-to-back illness, that phased directly into the holidays, that phased directly into a (wonderful) Nanna visit…by the time yesterday arrived, along with the launch of our school week, it had been 32 full days since I’d had any alone time.

Let me retype that:

32 FULL, CONSECUTIVE DAYS without me, myself and I being alone in the house.

Now. I’m aware that, for some people, this might not be a big deal. Especially when you’re a mother in certain phases of your parenting life.


For me, especially in the past year and a half, since Little Man finally entered elementary school, alone time is critical for my general well-being.

I CRAVE the solitude and certainly feel the impact when I have to go for long stretches without it.

So it was an extra-special JOY to tackle some morning tasks, and my Barre class, and then settle in the dining room for the replenishing time I very much needed. I was quite literally like a lizard basking in the sun of my open shutters and practically in tears over the silence

I’m aware of how blessed I am, to be able to hoard this recharging time that I crave every so often. 

And I’m also aware that part of what makes my alone time so precious is the beautiful hustle and bustle that surrounds me at all other times. I know I wouldn’t yearn for the silence if I didn’t know the hurricane and madness would be coming later in the day, and that I’d welcome it with open arms.

Self care is SO important for all of us, and all of us require different things to replenish and recharge.

I’m just grateful I know one thing that really boosts my mood, and I’m so happy to have basked in it—especially as the rest of the week is shaping up to be a whirlwind, thanks in no small part to early release school days tomorrow and Thursday, and a little weekend excursion we now have planned.

More mañana, peeps.

But until then…I hope you’re all acclimating to 2023, and doing something to fill your own cup!

Happy Tuesday, peeps.

Over and out.

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