Sunday, February 26, 2023

February Cousin Visit!

Okay, peeps.

I’ve been slow to post for the past few days because I’ve been deep in the weeds of a lovely visit with younger bro, his wife, and their adorable kiddo—my beloved little niece. :)

My kiddos lurv lurv having older cousins on the hubby’s side of the family, and it’s equally fun for them to be the older cousins on my side of the family. I’m so grateful they get to enjoy both dynamics.

And given our failed Christmas travel plans due to Little Man’s COVID, it was extra-special fortuitous that this crew randomly planned to come down to San Antonio for a one-off February visit, thanks to some awesomesauce flight deals.

Honestly, it’s felt almost like a little vacation to have family in town for a special weekend, and we’ve had lots of fun in and out—until Chicklet fell ill this evening (but more on that mañana).

For now, a photo dump in backwards order (tehe) of our fun outings today for lunch and running around, followed by playground time after nap. And then pics from Friday after their arrival.

I’ve got another whole slew of pics from our Saturday visit to the aquarium, but I think those will have to go in a separate post.

So, now. Without further delay. Heeeeeere you go!

I don’t know why, but this next one is a favorite of mine…

And now…rewinding for pics from Friday:

They were playing wizards upstairs, and Chicklet had been stupefied, hehe.

More tomorrow when I sift through aquarium pics!

In the meantime, wish me well overnight with my Chicklet, who has fallen prey to the same stomach bug Little Man dealt with last week. Yikes.

Soooooo hoping we haven’t passed along yucky germs to our visiting crew!

More mañana.

Over and out. 

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