Thursday, February 9, 2023

Lunch Buddies

It’s been a busy, school-event-filled week. Oodles going on—both during the day, and in the evening. But lots of happy things, thank heavens (though I could do without the homework).

Anywho. Long boring story, but Chicklet thought I would be up at school today for an event that doesn’t take place until next Thursday. So she was a bit bummed she wouldn’t see me around midday.

However…since the hubby ended up with a business lunch so I had about an hour or so wide open, I turned that scheduling frown upside down and surprised my babies up at school with Chick-fil-A. :)

Their lunch times are all spread out, but Little Man’s and Chicklet’s overlap by 15 minutes, so for a bit, I got them both. :)

It’s always such a treat to get midday/school day time with them—especially when they have no idea I’m coming.

Also…since this was a spur-of-the-moment thing, I’d sent all three kiddos to school with their packed lunches. But when I showed up with the yummy alternative, Little Man proceeded to eat both lunches without me noticing. When I told him I was worried he’d have a tummy ache, he leaned over (and looked a bit green) and said he just “needed to pause for minute.” Tehe. Growing hungry boy.

Also of note: we got a clarified diagnosis from Little Man’s orthopedist yesterday regarding those injured fingers of his.

Believe it or not, after detailed radiology review of his x-rays, it was determined that he did, in fact, fracture his pinky finger. Oye. Since it’s a buckle fracture (not completely broken through), the orthopedist thinks it’s still okay to proceed with wrapping the fingers instead of officially casting or splinting. But we’ll see how things go.

Anywho…this little cutie looked adorable in her gear for the rodeo day theme at school. I loved her bandana.

And how stinking cute does she look in my obnoxiously wonderful glasses???

Fun fact: those glasses were previously my backup pair, but I’ve recently bumped them up to starting lineup, and they’re bringing me so much joy—and compliments, ha.

So…yay for a busy but mostly positive week, and for happy, smiling, lunch buddy babies! 

P.S. I totally got to snag some lunch time with Chica, too, but we FAILED to take a pic!

Happy Almost Friday, peeps!

Over and out. 

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