Tuesday, February 28, 2023

My Game Face Boy

Well, peeps.

It was one of those high/low days.

Poor Chicklet didn’t improve much at all, and even started throwing up again this evening when I thought we might be through the worst of it. :( Definite low.

But on the high side: since I’m going on a few days stuck at home with her, the mountainous laundry pile is diminishing. And the healthy two kiddos had one of those annoying half days of school today—which we turned into a positive by playing a bunch of board games to spend some fun and silly time together.

My boy was being extra feisty (probably because he happened to win several games, ha), and I loved catching is many faces in action:

I’m pretty sure he’s about to go through another growth spurt, if his appetite is any indication. He comes home from school these days absolutely famished and ready to raid everything in the pantry.

And he’s got another few lose teeth, so that should be fun at some point.

I seriously love this kid and wish he had more interest in hanging out with his Mama, ha. He’s just too independent these days! But I’m told he might become a Mama’s boy again in his teenage years. ;)

In the meantime, I’ll take his playful sillies. And milk them for all they’re worth!

Wishing Chicklet a sturdier recovery tomorrow.

Oh! And when I have time, I’ll share the final high of today, which was an awards ceremony I attended for Chica. 

Over and out. 

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