Monday, March 27, 2023

Little Man’s First Round of Basketball!

Okay, peeps.

See this cutie pie right here?? Welp. He had his first basketball game yesterday, and it was TOTES ADORBS.

But to backtrack…

I’m so pleased that my Little Man finds joy in a lot of physical activities. As with all my kiddos, I do what I can to encourage his interests in a decent rotation that doesn’t overwhelm our comprehensive family schedule!

Back in preschool, he participated in a precious introductory soccer program.

Then, last year, he and Chicklet both participated in an after-school, multi-sports program that included soccer, football and baseball. But a bit more soccer overall, which was great.

And, of course, all three kiddos have been doing tennis this year, and to be honest, Little Man was a strong driving force behind that.

So…when he started asking about basketball, I thought: welp, there’s something we haven’t officially tried, yet! And I set my sights on finding an appropriate outlet that was manageable for our family, in terms of schedule and time commitment.

Now…heeeeere we are!

I registered Little Man with the same overall sports organization we utilized when the girlies wanted to try soccer a few years back.

This particular program is so great for dipping your toes in, because there are no mid-week practices, only a short practice just before your scheduled game on the weekend. So the commitment is low, the location is nearby, and—best of all—the hubby has the chance to participate as a coach. Woohoo! 

Before we arrived, I expected it to be a bit of a hot mess express, with these kinder and 1st graders really having no idea what to do, and little skills with the sport. But, man, was I wrong! 

I think they’re all just at the age where they can start truly understanding the concepts behind the game, and are developing enough hand-eye coordination to make it really lively without a ton of runaway balls and hilarious outtakes.

The program utilizes these great colored wristbands to help teach defense. Each player guards someone on the opposing team with the same color of wristband, and it helps them to focus and really start to learn the basics. 

It is an absolute riot and blast of cuteness when someone makes a run for it with the ball, and with one coach (for each team) allowed on the court during the game, along with an official ref, things continue at a steady pace and there are plenty of teachable moments.

I mean…seriously: SO CUTE. And such a great blast of cardio!

I’m soooo tickled to report that my boy scored two baskets during the game, and one free throw. He was so proud of himself, and I think it was the perfect self-esteem boost to kick off the season! 

And one final bit of good fortune: when we arrived, we discovered a couple of familiar faces among the team! One little boy who lives in our neighborhood, actually, and another who attends the same elementary school. Both are one year younger than Little Man, but he made friends with them easily, and it’s so nice to feel that instant connection and familiarity. 

This program will be a short seven weeks, but I have the feeling it will be a major success for my boy. And, as a parent, I gotta say: it’s reallllly nice for once to have an indoor sport in South Texas! Ha.

So, YAY, for a great kickoff of Little Man’s first little basketball “season,” and more fun to come!

Happy Monday, peeps!

Over and out. 

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