Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Post Spring Break

Well, peeps.

Our Sedona Spring Break adventure was AMAZING.

And it was equally as amazing to return home on Wednesday night, and still have a few days to marinate in a loosey-goosey schedule before school kicked back in.

I finally—as in, 5.5 YEARS after older bro gifted it to me—registered and submitted my DNA sample to get all the deets about where I’m from…and who I’m really related to (insert all the jokes)…

We had some lovely family meals and enjoyed some St. Patrick’s Day embellishments (also: dimple alert)…

We came back to cold and rainy, but everything on our property had bloomed! All the trees that were so close when we departed were sporting those glorious, lime-green new leaves that I lurv. :) This is one of my indoor figs, but still. It’s the whole vibe…

We had a lotta couch time and downtime to counteract all that vacay activity…

Look at that sweet smile…

And Chica organized the loveliest display of all her accumulated rocks and gemstones…

The kiddos love collecting them when we go to Oklahoma and Woolaroc every summer, and they each snagged some really fun additions in Sedona.

It’s seriously a coolio and informative spread!

And, last, but certainly, not least (and the reason for so many days without posting): Mama got sick. :(

Terrible cold & sinus ick took me down for the first time in AGES. And I mean, it took me down and OUT for about 72 hours.

I finally turned a corner this afternoon (I think, I hope!). I’m definitely feeling a bit more human, so here’s hoping the worst is over.

Okay, more maƱana, peeps!

Over and out. 

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