Friday, March 3, 2023

Sick Ick Stop Gap

Okay, peeps.

I’ve alluded to it in the recent posts I’ve managed, but let me just come right out and say: with the exception of a wonderful visit with little bro, his wife and my niece, the past two have been ROUGH.

We’ve been through the viral ringer, this Fall/Winter (massive understatement). But with Spring already springing, I thought we were kind sorta done (please, please, pretty please)…until Little Man kicked off a viral stomach bug last week.


His round spanned a weekend and a couple of school days. And then we had a blissful reprieve that felt like The End—and, thank heavens, since we had company in town!

But just when I basked in a sense of false health security…Chicklet bit the dust. Early Sunday evening, with our company still in town. And she bit the dust HARD.

For nearly the entirety of this week, she looked like this:

Or, more accurately: she spent three straight days in bed for 99.5% of the day. And then, when she started to show signs of life, she looked like the above, ha.

But lo and behold, she woke yesterday morning and flashed the first meager smile I’d seen in days. A beautiful sight:

So I knew we were on the upswing and just needed to focus on building her stamina and her calorie count.

Meanwhile…around midnight on Wednesday, Chica hit her own downswing. :(

She’s been so healthy these past few months, even when the others have gotten sick, that I thought she might make it through this round, too.

But no such luck.

She woke from a dead sleep and emptied her stomach hard. I was doing laundry load after laundry load in the middle of the night, to clean up the blast radius. And I ended up with not one, but two, down-and-out ladies in the master bedroom with me while the menfolk remained upstairs and out of the epicenter.


Because no good deed goes unpunished…right around the time I settled myself onto a mattress on the floor (around 2 a.m.) while my beautiful, sick daughters confiscated my bed, Chica finally fell back to sleep…

And started snoring like an ever-loving freight train.


The poor girl had a fantastic dose of congestion to go along with her stomach bug, and she snored SO ever loving loud that Chicklet woke, complained about the situation to management (read: me); tried to get me to wake her very ill sister, just to make the noise stop, and…I found myself playing musical beds AGAIN. By around 2:30 a.m., this time.

For the record: super helpful to have a brother living in Switzerland, as he was up and fully entertained by my 3 a.m. texting when I was desperately trying to settle back down for at least a couple hours’ sleep before waking up with Little Man for school.

Can I get an UGH.

Luckily—and I really do mean this—Chica recovered swiftly. And maintained some semblance of appetite. So her recovery was far easier than her siblings.

Which brings me to today, when ALL THE KIDDOS were FINALLY in school for the first time this week.

And this was my face at 6:59 a.m. after drop off:

And an hour later, after mopping the entire house )sanitize, sanitize, sanitize), continuing the 27,483 loads of laundry, and heading to a restorative Barre class with a major migraine. Grrrrr.

Again…it’s been a bit of a rough two weeks.

I really, really thought we might be done with illness, so this one bummed me out pretty good.


My babies are recovering, the sun was shining today, and I have hope for a restorative weekend!

Oh. And one last bit of entertainment to cap this post: Little Man has had so many absences this year that I had to pull together some hefty documentation for the school. And what a sobering list this was:

And that’s just his list of absences/illnesses!

This school year will absolutely go down as the toughest viral one for us. But at the end of the day, it’s all been passing germs that are manageable and not chronic, and I have faith the next year will be easier.

Again, looking forward to a restorative weekend and some beautiful weather.

And if there are any typos in this, forgive a few nights of less than four hours of sleep. ;) Ready to get some solid rest!

Happy FRIDAY, peeps!

Over and out. 

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