Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Little Man’s Sea World Field Trip!

Helloooooo, peeps, from the flip side of a LIVELY day chaperoning Little Man’s first grade, SEA WORLD field trip!

To say this particular location for a field trip is like the pinnacle of chaperoning duties is pretty darn accurate.

I mean, the zoo with a gaggle of kindergartners is tough (been there, done that…more than once, ha):


But Sea World is a whole other ball game. It just feels major. In fact, I’m not sure there’s much that would be more expansive…except, perhaps, a Disney World field trip day, ha.

Moreover, I’m learning there’s a different vibe to chaperoning little ladies (or a mixed gender group), versus a HOARD OF LITTLE DUDES:

In fact, I’m not sure I could have survived this day with quite so much sanity if I hadn’t joined forces with another parent chaperone to keep our groups together the whole day.

We each had four rambunctious boys, so the combined eight of them was a riot—and more than enough to keep us occupied. With our heads on constant swivels. 

We lucked out with only half an hour of light rain (when there were originally thunderstorms in the forecast). And we also lucked out with cloud cover (it seriously kept us from overheating).

These little men-in-training were keen to see and experience everything they possibly could—and requested plenty of photo opportunities, ha—so there was never a dull moment.

And we capped off the whole shebang with one of the major Orca shows.

It was all a pretty raucous, happy time, and I’m SO glad I was able to participate. :)

I took oodles and gobs of pics, but will only share a few that keep these cutie pies’ faces obscured. Just trust me when I tell you there’s a lot of “character” in the photographic evidence, ha.

Exhausted, but…I made it to the finish line, ha:

On a personal note…this particular Sea World field trip felt a bit like life coming full circle.

Back when we’d barely lived in San Antonio a few weeks, it was time for Chica’s first grade field trip to Sea World, if you can believe it.

We were reeling from a really tough move (understatement alert).

Chica was such a champ, having been thrown into the deep end of a new school with only the final nine weeks left.

And I, well…I was deep in the weeds of trying to acclimate to the vibe of a new elementary school with a whole different set of (very stringent) safety regulations than the lax ones we’d left behind.

If you want to read my post from that day, here it is. It kind of hurts my heart for that old me, who was really struggling to adapt to all the new, different, change:

And, now, here we are, four years later (how have four years gone by?), and I could not love our elementary school more, if I tried.

I also couldn’t be more grateful for our school’s stringent safety regulations, if I tried.

Just goes to show how life and perspective (and a worldwide pandemic) can change.

And how time can heal wounds and settle you into a new community and place and vibe that once felt like anything but home.

Someday soon, I have plans to type up a post all about our Then/Now feelings towards San Antonio, but just know that, for now, today was a GOOD day, with happy memories made.

And tired babies all worn out and snuggly. :)

More mañana, peeps!

Over and out. 

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